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Version actuelle en date du 27 février 2017 à 14:57

Mean age at diagnosis among BRCA www.selleckchem.com/products/Gemcitabine-Hydrochloride(Gemzar).html mutation carriers is reported to range from 45 to 48 years old in the literature [14, 16]. In our series, median age at diagnosis was 54 years old both for sporadic and for HBOC ovarian cancer. HBOC ovarian tumours are generally diagnosed at a higher stage and grade as compared to sporadic cancers [1, 4]. On the contrary, in our study, a significant higher proportion of patients in the BRCA+ group was diagnosed at stage II when compared to the sporadic group. Furthermore, HBOC ovarian tumours are typically of serous histology [1, 2, 16] Generally, among HBOC ovarian cancers, no borderline or mucinous cancers are reported [4]. Consistent with the literature, in the present series, most of the HBOC ovarian tumours (70%) were high-grade serous and 25% were undifferentiated tumours. On the contrary, among the sporadic tumours, only around 50% of tumours were high-grade serous and endometrioid; clear cells, and mucinous tumours were observed as well. In our series, radical primary surgery was performed in more than 70% of patients in both groups. In one-third of the patients, both in BRCA+ and in control groups, a neoadjuvant chemotherapy was administered. In our series, in patients who underwent surgery after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, optimal cytoreduction CB-839 solubility dmso was achieved in all BRCA+ and in 70% of controls. According to many studies, patients carrying BRCA mutation have a higher response rate to platinum-based chemotherapy Succimer [2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17]. In the study of Cass et al., a significantly greater response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy and a longer disease-free interval was observed among patients with BRCA+ ovarian cancer [5]. Also, in the study of Tan et al., in BRCA+ patients, a significantly higher response rate to first-, second-, and third-line platinum-based chemotherapy as compared to controls was observed [10]. In the study of Gorodnova et al., complete clinical response was documented in 34% of BRCA mutation carriers versus 4% of non-carriers (p

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