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(Page créée avec « Bd requirements utilized have been precisely the same as described above for field-collected swabs. For all MN extractions, raw genomic output was multiplied by 9 to calcu... »)

Version actuelle en date du 20 mars 2017 à 10:02

Bd requirements utilized have been precisely the same as described above for field-collected swabs. For all MN extractions, raw genomic output was multiplied by 9 to calculate the total quantity of ZE per swab (because the total extract volume was 45 L). A sample was considered good when any replicates inside the sample exhibited a logarithmic curve within the amplification profile that crossed the Rn threshold (set at 0.1 [39]). When sample size varied amongst treatments (refer to superscripts in Table 1), individual swabs have been excluded in order that those applied for paired analyses have been in the same frog. Also for paired analyses, when replicate quantity varied involving therapies (singlicate versus duplicate), the initial replicate of duplicate runs was used. When comparing PM to MN, the results of duplicate runs had been averaged to ascertain a mean ZE for each and every sample. We performed paired t tests (on square root-transformed ZE information to attain normality) to appear for remedy effects on all nonzero ZE values (samples that returned a good outcome) and McNemar's tests to look for treatment effects on recovery prices (variety of positives detected/total true positives) inside every single swab type (C, D, and E). We used generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) using a binomial response and a logitlink function to test regardless of whether pre-preservation Bd load, DNA extraction strategy (PM or MN), and individual live frog mass had been important predictors of Bd detection (achievement or failure) just after formalin fixation making use of duplicate benefits from swab events D and E. For this analysis, we applied only information for person frogs that we had individual mass recorded (n = 52). We square root-transformed each the live ZE and post-preservation ZE data to facilitate data analysis. We treated initial Bd load, individual mass, and extraction protocol as fixed effects as well as the identity of every single individual frog as a random effect. Treating individual frogs as a random effect makes it possible for us to test for variations among extraction protocol and initial load (the primary predictors of interest), while accounting for the fact that person frogs have been necessarily swabbed several times to gather samples for separate DNA extractions. We used the "MuMIn" package in R [60] to typical the best-fit (within two AIC, Akaike Information and facts Criterion) models and then employed coefficients in the model averaging within a linear regression to predict the probability of Bd detection at varying levels of Bd load to compare PM and MN. To identify if there was a relationship involving live Bd load and post-preservation Bd load, we carried out two separate linear regressions (a single every for PM and MN), using The NHEJ mend junctions after I-SceI cleavage were amplified by PCR with primers flanking the two I-SceI web sites log10transformed ZE information (all nonzero values). To compare results of Bd detection results and post-preservation ZE (log10-transformed) across all swab events along with a subset of them (Events A-E, and A-C, respectively, Table 1), we employed singlicate data in GLMMs (for Bd detection success) and also a linear model (LM) (for post-preservation ZE). Inside the GLMMs and LM, we treated swab event as a fixed impact along with the identity of every person frog as a random effect and applied

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