
De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.
(Page créée avec « 5 dm tall, stem leaves lanceolate to linear, 1?3.5 �� 0.1?0.4 cm, margins callose (not glandular), lacking short transluscent trichomes on or near the margins; subtend... »)

Version actuelle en date du 2 avril 2017 à 12:50

5 dm tall, stem leaves lanceolate to linear, 1?3.5 �� 0.1?0.4 cm, margins callose (not glandular), lacking short transluscent trichomes on or near the margins; subtending bracts shorter than or rarely equaling the pedicels in length; corollas (including the hypanthium) 8?14 mm long, not fenestrate; plant of various savnna-like habitats, selleck products and occassionally in wetter soils, but never found in inundated soils or wetlands Lobelia nuttallii Fig. 130 View it in a separate window Key adapted from Godfrey and Wooten (1981) and Weakley (2012). Ericaceae 1 Ovary inferior; fruit a berry Vaccinium �C Ovary superior; fruit a capsule 2 2 Leaves evergreen, blades coriaceous, adaxial surface either dark green and shiny or dull olive green and lepidote (covered with small, white or yellowish scurfy scales) 3 �C Leaves deciduous, blades membranous or subcoriaceous, deciduous, adaxial surface light to dark green, dull, not lepidote 4 3 Twig and leaf blade surfaces prominently lepidote, adaxial leaf surface dull olive green, lacking a prominent perimarginal vein Chamaedaphne calyculata Fig. 136 �C Twig and adaxial leaf blade surfaces glabrous, not lepidote, adaxial leaf surface dark green and shiny, larger leaves with a prominent perimarginal vein ca. 1 mm from blade margin Lyonia [Lyonia lucida Fig. 139] 4 Leaves predominantly obovate or oblanceolate, margins distinctly long-ciliate; corolla funnelform, lobes > 10 mm long; selleck kinase inhibitor capsule elongate, > 2 �� as long as broad, 7�C23 mm long Rhododendron viscosum var. serrulatum Fig. 140 �C Leaves various, margins not long-ciliate; corolla urceolate, campanulate, or globose, lobes CYTH4 panicles produced on stems of current year, proximal inflorescences often with conspicuous leaf-like bracts; capsules thickened and whitish along sutures; seeds 100�C300+ per capsule Lyonia ligustrina Fig. 138 View it in a separate window Key adapted from Tucker (2009b) and Weakley (2012). Lyonia Nutt. 1 Leaves deciduous, blades subcoriaceous, dull, lacking a prominent perimarginal vein, margins serrulate; corollas urceolate 2�C4(?4.5) mm long; calyx lobes 0.5�C1.5 mm long Lyonia ligustrina var. foliosiflora Fig. 138 �C Leaves evergreen, blades coriaceous, shiny, with a prominent perimarginal vein, leaf margins entire; corollas cylindric 5�C14 mm long; calyx lobes 2�C9.5 mm long Lyonia lucida Fig.

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