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(Page créée avec « 97 antigen. Tissue Antigens 50: 429438. Hamann J, Vogel B, van Schijndel GM, van Lier RA The seven-span transmembrane receptor CD97 has a cellular ligand. J Exp Med 184: 1... »)

Version actuelle en date du 9 mai 2017 à 17:07

97 antigen. Tissue Antigens 50: 429438. Hamann J, Vogel B, van Schijndel GM, van Lier RA The seven-span transmembrane receptor CD97 has a cellular ligand. J Exp Med 184: 11851189. Stacey M, Chang GW, Davies JQ, Kwakkenbos MJ, Sanderson RD, et al. The epidermal development factor-like domains with the human EMR2 receptor mediate cell attachment through chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycans. Blood 102: 29162924. Hamann J, Stortelers C, Kiss-Toth E, Vogel B, Eichler W, et al. Characterization in the CD55 -binding website around the seven-span transmembrane receptor CD97. Eur J Immunol 28: 17011707. Qian YM, Haino M, Kelly K, Song WC Structural characterization of mouse CD97 and study of its certain interaction together with the murine decayaccelerating issue. Immunology 98: 303311. Wang T, Ward Y, Tian L, Lake R, Guedez L, et al. CD97, an adhesion receptor on inflammatory cells, stimulates angiogenesis via binding integrin counterreceptors on endothelial cells. Blood 105: 28362844. Tchaicha JH, Reyes SB, Shin J, Hossain MG, Lang FF, et al. Glioblastoma angiogenesis and tumor cell invasiveness are differentially regulated by beta8 integrin. Cancer Res 71: 63716381. Friedlander DR, Zagzag D, Shiff B, Cohen H, Allen JC, et al. Migration of brain tumor cells on extracellular matrix proteins in vitro correlates with tumor type and grade and entails alphaV and beta1 integrins. Cancer Res 56: 19391947. Schrappe M, Klier FG, Spiro RC, Waltz TA, Reisfeld RA, et al. Correlation of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan expression on proliferating brain capillary endothelial cells with the malignant phenotype of astroglial cells. Cancer Res 51: 49864993. Steinert M, Wobus M, Boltze C, Schutz A, Wahlbuhl M, et al. Expression and regulation of CD97 in colorectal carcinoma cell lines and tumor tissues. Am J Pathol 161: 16571667. Holting T, Siperstein AE, Clark OH, Duh QY Epidermal growth element - and transforming growth aspect alpha-stimulated invasion and growth of 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 7 CD97 in Glioblastoma 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. follicular thyroid cancer cells might be blocked by antagonism towards the EGF receptor and tyrosine kinase in vitro. Eur J Endocrinol 132: 229235. Aust G, Steinert M, Schutz A, Boltze C, Wahlbuhl M, et al. CD97, but not its closely related EGF-TM7 family members member EMR2, is expressed on gastric, pancreatic, and esophageal carcinomas. Am J Clin Pathol 118: 699707. Aust G, Eichler W, Laue S, Lehmann I, Heldin NE, et al. CD97: a dedifferentiation marker in human thyroid carcinomas. Cancer Res 57: 1798 1806. Galle J, Sittig D, Hanisch I, Wobus M, Wandel E, et al. Person cellbased models of tumor-environment interactions: Many MedChemExpress ICG 001 effects of CD97 on tumor invasion. Am J Pathol 169: 18021811. Chidambaram A, Fillmore HL, Van Meter TE, Dumur CI, Broaddus WC Novel report of expression and function of CD97 in malignant gliomas: correlation with Wilms tumor 1 expression and glioma cell invasiveness. J Neurosurg 116: 843853. Rutkowski MJ, Sughrue ME, Kane AJ, Kim JM, Bloch O, et al. Epidermal development issue module-containing mucin-like receptor 2 is 1317923 a newly identified adhesion G protein-coupled receptor connected with poor all round survival and an invasive phenotype in glioblastoma. J Neurooncol 105: 165171. Kane AJ, Sughrue ME, Rutkowski MJ, Phillips JJ, Parsa AT EMR-3: a prospective mediator of invasive phenotypic variation in glioblastoma and novel therapeutic target. Neuroreport 21: 10181022. Voris HC Tumors of your

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