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(Page créée avec « The Epistles interpret and apply the Gospels of Christ to His church. They include the interpretation and application: the possessions believers have in Christ. Romans e... »)

Version actuelle en date du 11 mai 2017 à 22:10

The Epistles interpret and apply the Gospels of Christ to His church. They include the interpretation and application: the possessions believers have in Christ. Romans explains the Redemption which is in Christ Jesus: the righteousness of God imputed to man through faith in Jesus. I Corinthians emphasizes sanctification of the believer. II Corinthians explains the persecution, the sharing of Christ's suffering, but also His comfort.


2:8 "...the church in Smyrna..." Called Izmir today, the seaport city of Smyrna is about 35 miles north of Ephesus. Under Roman rule it was a persecuted church from A.D. 100 to A.D. 314 when thousands of people were martyred. Today it has a population of approximately 300,000. One of only two churches that are praised in Revelation, Smyrna began as a Greek colony about 600 B.C. and 400 years later was developed into one of the most magnificent cities in the roman empire sanitation by Alexander the Great. A huge acropolis was built atop Mount Pagos along with the Homerium, a temple to Homer whom many believed to have been born at Smyrna.

In order to play bocce ball one must first have a bocce court. Any flat surface is acceptable to serve as the playing field. Generally speaking a bocce court is between 76 and 90 feet long (USBF regulations are for an 87.6 ft. long court) and between 10 and 13 feet wide. One side of the court is the throwing side, from which players throw the balls towards the opposite side.

LaHaye, Tim. Revelation; Illustrated and Made Plain. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Lamplighter Books Zondervan Publishing House, 1975 copyright by Tim LaHaye.

This quote from Jesus appears in the reconstructed Book of Q that I have (the one by Burton L. Mack), indicating that it was a "source quote" for early Christian writers. The real Book of Q has been lost, but scholars have reconstructed it and decided that the sword quote should be preserved. So what could it mean, then?

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The Midnight House by Alex Berenson retails for $25.95. Jon Wells reappears in a fourth novel. The impact of prior events of the soldier with post-traumatic stress syndrome twists this spy thriller in ways not typical to the series. Excitement is present throughout providing readers with non-stop thriller excitement.

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Conspirata: A Novel of round drainage by Robert Harris retails for $26. This is the second book in a trilogy. Imperium precedes this novel providing the ugly beginning to political corruption. Set in 63 BC, the historical references seem realistic and entrancing. A great thriller book!

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I find this whole concept just crazy.

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