
De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.
m (mustaqbil)
m (mustaqbil)
Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
Politics- a word detested by most of the common people. To an ordinary person, politics is a synonym to corruption, misuse of power, money laundering and other malpractices. Politics has earned such a bad name for itself everywhere, that even the most honest political leader is looked upon with suspicion. Elections come and go. Majority of the populace does not bother to vote. They know, once elected a candidate forgets his electorate and runs after money and power. But these elected leaders can play havoc or bring peace and prosperity in the society. It depends on both their decisions and participation of people. It is true that political decisions and activities affect all aspects of people's lives. But is it really unfortunate?
Now, the paper seems to have gone off the deep end and is trying to control the news and brainwash it's readers.  
Right from start of elections, candidates go on talking glibly about their plans to work for the benefit of all. They give speeches, hold rallies, fund raisers and waste precious money and time- just for power. It's after they are elected, their ambiguous talk is exposed. Elected representatives often get portfolios for which they are totally unqualified. Imagine an illiterate politician becoming a minister for education. Hard to believe but is commonplace in many backward countries. Such a man will be totally incompetent for office and may end up spoiling the education system. The common man won't be able to do a thing except watching promising careers and dreams fade away into oblivion.
As long as I can remember, newspapers have used their front page to report hard news, news that they considered to be of great importance to their readers. The Los Angeles Times and many other newspapers now seem to be using their front pages to influence their readers. Now, in addition to slanting their stories to the left or right, many newspapers are slipping op-ed pieces (I am all for op-ed pieces as long as they are printed in the op-ed section of the paper and listed as opinions or editorials. I like reading other people's viewpoints. After all, I might learn something new.) into the news sections of the paper and even onto the front page.  
It's nothing new that money gets decisions reversed. Bribe more than your adversaries and the decision or policy will be in your favour. Cigarette and liquor companies with backing of billions of dollars put public health on the path of deterioration. The governments do nothing. This was brought to light after so many years when a big tobacco companies were ordered by the American courts to dole out billions of dollars to people suffering from diseases acquired by smoking. Construction companies cut off trees in hundreds and thousands to build new towers and buildings. All with no objections from the government. The environment suffers.
Today, December 23, 2005, the paper ran, on the front page, above the fold, near the center, a piece headlined "GOP Hitting Limits of Agressive Tactics". To be fair the paper did insert in smaller type, above the headline, the words "News Analysis" (I wonder how many readers know that 'news analysis' is just another way of saying editorial opinion. I also wonder how many people even read the words 'News Analysis'.). This piece was written by a 'Times Staff Writer' who as far as I can tell, has never written a hard news item in his life. The only pieces, written by this writer, that I have ever read have been anti Republican, anti Bush and anti anyone and everyone who is not to the far left, opinion pieces. This piece slams the Republican Party and the Administration, praises the Democratic Party, gives a few partial statistics, lists several half truths and gives the writers opinion as to how the Republican Party is out to harm the environment, destroy the poor, overrun the Democratic Party and ruin this country. It does everything but report news, yet it is made to appear as a hard news piece. I would not mind this piece if it were published in the op-ed section of the paper (Everyone has the right to his or her opinion.) but, it offends me that it was published on the front page where news items belong.  
In most cases common people get most affected while not even being fully aware of the reasons. Thats the whole irony of it. Most decisions and policies get formed without the peoples say. They are helpless watchers of the whole game.
Right (pardon the pun) below that piece is a piece headlined "U.N. Hit by a Bolt From the Right". This piece about, John Bolton, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, seems to be innocuous, but if you read the whole piece you come away with the impression that Ambassador Bolton is a bullying right wing trouble maker who is ruining our relationships with our allies and with the U.N.. This piece is again an opinion or editorial. It is not hard news or even news. It would have been okay in the op-ed section, but it did not belong on the front page.  
...[http://mustaqbilpakistan.pk/ Nadeem Mumtaz Qureshi]
Neither of those pieces belonged on the front page. The only reason to have them there, is to attempt to influence the thinking of the paper's readers.
The foregoing are just two examples of how the paper is trying to control public opinion. Whenever the paper publishes something good that has happened in Iraq or Afganistan the insert, into the piece, several bad things. ...[http://mustaqbilpakistan.pk/ Nadeem Mumtaz Qureshi]

Version du 20 mars 2017 à 16:16

Now, the paper seems to have gone off the deep end and is trying to control the news and brainwash it's readers.

As long as I can remember, newspapers have used their front page to report hard news, news that they considered to be of great importance to their readers. The Los Angeles Times and many other newspapers now seem to be using their front pages to influence their readers. Now, in addition to slanting their stories to the left or right, many newspapers are slipping op-ed pieces (I am all for op-ed pieces as long as they are printed in the op-ed section of the paper and listed as opinions or editorials. I like reading other people's viewpoints. After all, I might learn something new.) into the news sections of the paper and even onto the front page.

Today, December 23, 2005, the paper ran, on the front page, above the fold, near the center, a piece headlined "GOP Hitting Limits of Agressive Tactics". To be fair the paper did insert in smaller type, above the headline, the words "News Analysis" (I wonder how many readers know that 'news analysis' is just another way of saying editorial opinion. I also wonder how many people even read the words 'News Analysis'.). This piece was written by a 'Times Staff Writer' who as far as I can tell, has never written a hard news item in his life. The only pieces, written by this writer, that I have ever read have been anti Republican, anti Bush and anti anyone and everyone who is not to the far left, opinion pieces. This piece slams the Republican Party and the Administration, praises the Democratic Party, gives a few partial statistics, lists several half truths and gives the writers opinion as to how the Republican Party is out to harm the environment, destroy the poor, overrun the Democratic Party and ruin this country. It does everything but report news, yet it is made to appear as a hard news piece. I would not mind this piece if it were published in the op-ed section of the paper (Everyone has the right to his or her opinion.) but, it offends me that it was published on the front page where news items belong.

Right (pardon the pun) below that piece is a piece headlined "U.N. Hit by a Bolt From the Right". This piece about, John Bolton, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, seems to be innocuous, but if you read the whole piece you come away with the impression that Ambassador Bolton is a bullying right wing trouble maker who is ruining our relationships with our allies and with the U.N.. This piece is again an opinion or editorial. It is not hard news or even news. It would have been okay in the op-ed section, but it did not belong on the front page.

Neither of those pieces belonged on the front page. The only reason to have them there, is to attempt to influence the thinking of the paper's readers.

The foregoing are just two examples of how the paper is trying to control public opinion. Whenever the paper publishes something good that has happened in Iraq or Afganistan the insert, into the piece, several bad things. ...Nadeem Mumtaz Qureshi

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