Selecting Your Next Visionary Planner

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

Animation Director and Director Mike L. Murphy

You may have seen his animation in Lord of the Rings. Ever since he saw his first movie, Disney’s ‘The Jungle Book’, Mike had dreamed of making movies.

Mike’s first job in Hollywood was animating on Warner Brothers animated film ‘The Iron Giant’. This led him to have a passion to visualize and create massive projects that everyone else thought was impossible.

“I’ve always been inspired by Visionaries like Stan Lee, Disney and Jim Henson.”

Mike took his 15+ years of visual effects industry expertise and created an online animation training program that teaches students how to work together to create an animated short film. This business led Mike to coach other Business Owners how to build their dream business.

”Visualizing your brand is one thing. Having repeatable systems that let you scale and operate it is the real secret.”

This vision led Mike and his team, who live in Europe, to spend over 3 years building the Visionary Planner. {This revolutionary training program shows Small Business Owners how to visualize, create, and grow an easy to manage online brand.

“We’ve tested this system out on several brands. The Entrepreneurs using the Visionary Planner have a amazing experience feeling productive, and love the process of understanding how to build their brand the right way.”

For more info on Mike, and the Visionary Planner, visit

Mike L. Murphy, Visionary Planner

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