Erotica Versus Pornography

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Version du 20 décembre 2016 à 20:14 par Border8tooth (discuter | contributions)

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Then i have to say,there is no certainty answer. because the sale price in each city vary in different period,seasons. It may be the lowest price in San Francisco;sometimes in San Bernardino . and different specification products,their price range usually is 4.5-9 usd/pill.The price will be changed because of the supply and demand.

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7 advice for men taking Viagra:

Do not change the dose easily. Blindly increasing the dose may lead to a greater adverse reactions,do not help to strengthen sexual function; it may be no effects if you reduce the dose. Taking the pills about 1 hour before sexual activity. In the state of sexual arousal, "Viagra" can after serving 30 minutes to 4 hours help you achieve an erection. The highest concentration of drug in the human body is obtained after taking 1 hour, and at this time it should be the most potent drugs, it can help patients get the best erectile capacity. Taking with empty stomach. Better to take the viagra pills at two hours after a meal or empty stomach,because the food is likely to affect the absorption and effectiveness of the drug, if taking viagra cialis after eating high-fat foods, it will require a longer time to play the effect. The need for sexual stimulation. Taking "Viagra", do not to idly wait for the desire production, and to have sexual intercourse foreplay activities, including flirting with sexual partners, kiss, touch, etc., which can enhance sexual taste, feeling and penile erection hardness; if no sexual stimulation,it will not lead to strong penile erection. Taken once a day at most. If you do not get a satisfactory erection after taking "Viagra", some men may be unwilling to waste good timing and destroy good taste but select additional drugs. This is not good, it can significantly increase the risk of drug-induced, and may thus lead to unnecessary adverse reactions. In combination with other treatment methods. "Viagra" can be combined with other methods for treating impotence,in order to increase the penile erection effect, play a synergistic or additive effect, this can reduce "Viagra" amount, thereby reducing the cost of viagra treatment, such as other oral medication , intracavernous vasoactive drug injection (ICI), urethral administration, prosthesis implantation or vacuum constriction device (VCD), but it must be conducted under the guidance of specialists. "Viagra" does not apply to all people. small portion of patients with erectile dysfunction using viagra may not have any effect;men with serious adverse reactions and can not afford to have sex do not take risks; sexual function normal healthy men taking Viagra does not make your sexual function icing on the cake; "Viagra" is only suitable for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction, does not apply to children and women, others do not take. In addition, in order to make "Viagra" treatment obtained satisfactory results,the body health between husband and wife, physical, energy and fun are all very important, you can also choose some sexual enhancement libido booster and erectile strengthening sex products to get rid of premature ejaculation ,eliminate erectile problem,improve your overall health condition.

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