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05 HCO 3- (mmol/L) 13.73 �� 0.88 15.41 �� 1.09 13.55 �� 0.94 11.90 �� 0.73 12.88 �� 1.26 13.14 �� 1.74 PCO 2 (mmHg) 27.25 �� 2.18 32.06 �� 2.40 36.65 �� 5.20 39.08 �� 3.15 36.90 �� 4.02 42.11 �� 4.99 TCO 2 (mmol/L) 14.63 �� 0.92 16.50 �� 1.15 14.67 �� 1.02 13.13 �� 0.74 14.00 �� 1.36 14.33 �� 1.85 Glucose (mmol/L) 11.70 �� 1.03 12.36 �� 0.90 10.77 �� 1.10 1.08 �� 0.04*** 1.34 �� 0.12*** 1.76 �� 0.50*** Na + (mmol/L) 150.3 �� 1.7 147.9 �� 1.0 150.2 Isotretinoin �� 0.9 155.9 �� 0.9* 154.0 �� 1.1** 150.6 �� 1.0 # K + (mmol/L) 4.088 �� 0.15 4.250 �� 0.19 4.150 �� 0.24 3.950 �� 0.30 3.589 �� 0.32 3.625 �� 0.23 Cl - (mmol/L) 121.8 �� 1.3 119.5 �� 0.8 124.0 �� 0.6 130.0 �� 1.6* 128.6 �� 1.0*** 124.3 �� 1.6 # Anion gap (mmol/L) 18.50 �� 0.53 17.25 �� 0.94 16.67 �� 0.92 18.50 �� 0.87 16.11 �� 1.11 16.25 �� 1.03 Haemoglobin (g/dl) 10.41 �� 0.54 10.93 �� 0.59 8.60 �� 0.25 9.43 �� 0.71 8.96 �� 7.33 9.53 �� 0.59 Haematocrit (%PCV) 30.63 �� 1.60 32.13 �� 1.74 25.25 �� 0.75 29.57 �� 1.17 27.88 �� 1.36 28.00 �� 1.72 View it in a separate window Abbreviations: PCO 2, partial pressure of CO 2; TCO 2, total carbon dioxide; PCV, packed cell volume; HC, HC-067047; KO, TRPV4 knockout; LPS, lipopolysaccharide Raw Data for Table 2 Blood biochemistry in healthy and endotoxaemic TRPV4 WT and KO mice. Blood gas and biochemistry were measured from venous blood samples by iSTAT point-of-care analyser in either TRPV4 GDC-0068 clinical trial KO mice, or WT mice treated i.p. Click here for additional data file.(1.3K, tgz) The effect of pharmacological TRPV4 antagonism was also assessed at an earlier time-point in pathogenesis. In contrast with the 24 h time-point, no significant difference in severity score, percentage weight loss, or core temperature was observed between vehicle- and antagonist-treated mice at 6 h post-LPS (data not shown). Blood biochemistry was similarly equivalent between treatment groups at the 6 h time-point ( Table INCB28060 solubility dmso 3). Table 3. Blood biochemistry in healthy and endotoxaemic WT mice treated with TRPV4 antagonist or vehicle. Blood gas and biochemistry were measured from venous blood samples by iSTAT point-of-care analyser in WT mice treated i.p. with vehicle (10% DMSO) or HC-067047 (HC), either under na?ve (24-h treatment) or endotoxaemic (LPS 12.5 mg/kg, i.v., 6 h or 24 h) conditions. Data are presented as mean �� SEM. *p

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