Anti Aging Serum That Helps Control The Aging Process

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

Aging is a normal thing that everyone must accept, whether they like it or not. The aging process varies for each person, depending on their lifestyle and daily routine. Those who are always exposed to the sun most likely will show earlier signs of aging than those who don't because ultraviolet radiation would tend to speed up the aging process. Aside from excessive sun exposure, free radicals from environmental stressors would also contribute to premature aging. Among the obvious signs of aging that most people experience are wrinkles which usually appear on the forehead, fine lines and laugh lines in the face, and sagging of the skin. These signs appear because as people age, the amount of collagen in the body decreases. Collagen is a protein that maintains the elasticity, firmness and suppleness of skin. So when there is not enough collagen in the body, expect to see these signs of aging to appear. Dr. Lieve DeClercq, head of the Origins Global Plant Medicine Team, says the skin around the eyes is the most prone to aging because it is three times thinner than the skin in the face. It is in fact, the thinnest skin in the entire body. "The eye area is a key marker in the perception of one's age," says Dr. DeClercq. Some people turn to surgery to erase these visible signs of aging, albeit more expensive. Luckily, there are various anti aging serums available for people who are afraid to try surgery to reverse the early signs of aging and regain younger beauty. These [serums serums] all claim to erase the signs of aging and promote younger-looking, healthy skin and face. An anti aging serum mostly contains vitamin C as ingredient. This specific vitamin works to stimulate the production of collagen in the body, thereby erasing the most visible signs of aging, particularly wrinkles. Vitamin C has also been proven as an effective anti-oxidant that helps the body get rid of free radicals, aside from boosting a person's immune system. Most anti-aging serums also contain grape seed extract, which makes the skin glowing and healthy. There are anti-aging serums that are specifically formulated for a person's skin type. However, there are also those that can be used by people who have either dry or oily skin. Most anti-aging serums available in the market contain sunscreen. But there are those that don't. In this case, dermatologists recommend using sunscreen products with a minimum SPF of 15 to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. A daily application of moisturizer is also recommended to keep the skin hydrated. Depending on what anti-aging serum a person uses, it is still important to maintain a healthy lifestyle coupled with daily exercise and a healthy beauty routine.

For more information, please visit our site for anti aging serum

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