7 Keys to Writing a Children’s Book that Sells

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

We get so focused on the idea of the book that we forget the mechanics. Here is the strategy that award winning authors use:

1) Create a hero that your audience can relate to.

Examine your target market honestly. Who will be reading your book? Just because you think that your main character is funny, charming and brilliant doesn’t mean that they will or even that that is what they care about.

2) Write for your audience, not your highschool English professor. There has already been a Shakespeare. Most genres do not require you to write like him. You will just turn your audience off if you write at a level beyond their comprehension.

3) Give your reader a problem that he or she can empathize with. books

Ex. Are you writing for teenage girls? Then something to do with the pains of adolescent romance, or lack thereof, might be a good start.

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