When Does Outsourcing Digital Advertising Make Sense

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Version du 13 août 2016 à 05:26 par Cello92bun (discuter | contributions)

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First, think about what you already outsource. Taxes? Payroll? Cleaning? Any process, service or role that doesn’t directly improve service, generate new customers or drive sales should be outsourced. A restaurant should keep an IT firm on a small monthly fee instead of hiring a full-time technician. Have you ever bought a steak dinner because the chophouse had an email disaster recovery plan? In that business, IT is a utility. Chances are it’s the same for your business as well. A steak house needs people to buy steaks, prepare steaks and sell steaks. Every other business function (legal, janitorial, clerical, etc) can be had from an outsourced provider at a reduced cost. That’s why in-house digital marketing doesn’t always make sense from a business perspective. Digital marketing is a collection of varied channels, each requiring their own skillsets. However, it isn’t your core business (unless you are a digital marketing firm). You can get access to a full team of digital superstars for what you’d pay for 1 or 2 full-time digital employees. Cost won’t be an issue, as digital marketing services are available from many providers across a wide cost spectrum. In reality, you need someone in-house to keep things organized and to be a liaison with your agency partner…but you don’t need a group of junior level employees learning on the fly while your competitors eat up valuable market share. searchsolutionsllc.com

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