Is Botox New Jersey Right For You?

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.
Version du 22 octobre 2016 à 02:03 par Mass15bag (discuter | contributions)

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Are wrinkles on your face making you frown more these days? Fortunately, you have a number of options to choose from, aside from the traditional Botox. Both Botox and injectable fillers are used to diminish fine lines and wrinkles, but they work in different ways and will leave you with different results. Understanding the difference between the two will help you make the best decision as to which method is right for you.

What is Botox?

Botox is a neuromuscular toxin that is used to treat ?active? facial lines. This refers to lines that have recently formed. Botox is injected into these areas to relax the muscles, which improves the wrinkles. For instance, the muscles used when you frown may be causing wrinkles around the mouth. A plastic surgeon will inject Botox into the area to alter the facial expressions. You will still be able to show emotions, but there will be subtle changes made that will prevent the lines from forming.

What are Fillers?

Fillers, on the other hand, are used to treat wrinkles that are firmly established. Basically, these are wrinkles that are already present and haven?t been recently formed. Fillers also have a number of other benefits, such as the fact that they add volume to the skin and soften wrinkles and folds. Also, fillers are beneficial in areas where Botox can?t be used, such as around the mouth. You need the flexibility to eat, smile and kiss, after all!

Which is Right for You?

When determining which is the best option for you, it?s important to sit down with a certified plastic surgeon and discuss the problem areas you want fixed and what you hope to accomplish. Your surgeon will then be able to guide you in the right direction, offering a solution that will diminish the wrinkles while leaving you with a natural appearance.

Do keep in mind that Botox and fillers are only temporary solutions; not fix-all ones. Generally speaking, Botox lasts 3-6 months, while fillers can last anywhere from a few months to a few years. Also, some patients benefit from having both Botox and fillers injected into the skin. This can be done in the same appointment since they are placed into different parts of the tissue. Again, discuss the options with your surgeon.

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