Two Fears To Inquire About Wee1 inhibitor

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Version du 27 octobre 2016 à 08:18 par Brakearies94 (discuter | contributions)

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4%) lobular carcinoma, 73 (1.7%) mucinous carcinoma, 61 (1.4%) papillary carcinoma, 9 (0.2%) medullary carcinoma, and 439 (10.3%) ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). According to the AJCC 2010 staging system, 1,314 (30.7%) patients were stage I, 1,628 (38.0%) stage II, 668 (15.6%) stage III, and 230 (5.4%) stage IV. The majority of patients, 2,738 (64.0%), did not have nodal metastases. Table 1 Demographic and clinicopathologic characteristics by race. Modified radical mastectomy was performed in 2,424 (56.6%) patients, while 1,027 (24.0%) underwent simple mastectomy, 511 (11.9%) partial mastectomy, 166 (3.9%) no treatment, 59 (1.4%) primary radiotherapy (RT), 41 (1.0%) radical mastectomy, AR-A014418 purchase and 22 (0.5%) nipple-sparing mastectomy. Lymph node dissection was performed in 3,583 (83.7%) patients, and 932 (21.8%) received adjuvant RT. Blacks were more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age when compared with Whites, Hispanics, and Asians (61.2% versus 43.8% versus 59.8% versus 54.0%; P Wee1 inhibitor Asians (56.0% versus 64.8% versus 56.9% versus 67.0%; P were still observed when comparing by age (P Cofactor stage, there was no difference in receipt of primary treatment with respect to race (Table 2). Table 2 Primary treatment by stage and race. 3.2. Survival Outcome The median follow-up for the whole patient cohort was 54 months (range: 0�C275). The 5-year overall survival rate (OS) for the study population was 73.4%. Patients ��65 years had significantly worse 5-year OS when compared with those

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