Cell Phone Related Accidents on the Increase for Kansas City Traffic Legal Professionals

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Version du 21 juin 2015 à 09:38 par Lawyerassistantn7 (discuter | contributions)

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Before you decide to pick up your phone while driving, look at this document. Simply answering a FaceBook post while you're behind the wheel in Kansas City traffic could cause a serious wreck. Cell phones are believed to be the most dangerous distraction while travelling. Statistics show that about 660,000 drivers in the US are using their phones while driving. That's 660,000 distracted drivers on the roads everywhere.

Mobile Laws & Legislation of Kansas

More than half of US states have laws set up to combat the potential risks of using a cellular phone while driving. In the state of Kansas, you could potentially face fines and attorney fees if you choose to use your cell phone while in the driver's seat. Most people do not realize Kansas has this kind of law in place because it's not widely publicized. It is restricted for anyone to text and drive in Kansas, and it is illegal for drivers under 21 to use a cell phone in any way while behind the wheel. You should definitely know what the local laws are.

The laws regarding driving and cell phones are being revised daily. Kansas City traffic lawyers have a unique struggle on the subject of cell phone regulations because the city shares a state line between Kansas and Missouri, linking both states with roads and a huge metropolitan area. The Missouri side of the state line doesn't have any laws in place to control using a cell phone behind the wheel. Missouri is now one of the few states with no cell phone/driving regulations, but that's not going to last long. Nationwide, the stats keep increasing, encouraging new laws concerning cellular phones behind the wheel.

Driving When Using a Mobile Phone Basic Reports

The statistics on driving while using a cell phone speak for themselves. Making the roads safer for all has been a serious challenge for Kansas City traffic attorneys and lawmakers alike. A little truth that will completely shock you is that the average time it takes to interact with a text message is 5 seconds, which is like driving 55 mph, blindfolded, down the span of a football field. It is a undeniable fact that texting while driving is an extremely dangerous cell phone activity. That's why 94% of people believe there should be a ban on texting while driving and 74% believe there ought to be a ban on any hand-held cell phone use while driving. Studies show that hands-free phone usage doesn't really alter the statistics much, either.

You can find startling statistics on driving while using a cell phone. If you ask a Kansas City traffic lawyer about using a mobile while driving, they will have some upsetting accounts to tell. 1.6 million car crashes and more than 330,000 injuries every year have been reported by the National Safety Council to be directly related to using a cell phone while driving. They also report a shocking 1 in 4 motor vehicle collisions are caused by texting while driving, which is 6 times more than driving while intoxicated. Statistics like that should make people reconsider picking up their cell phone while they're driving.

Teen Stats Driving and Mobile Phones

Drivers under the age of 21 are reported to be the most distracted on the road. Kansas City traffic lawyers have experienced their share of disasters involving teenagers who were using their cell phones while behind the wheel. The real sad reality is that these young people knew better. 94% of teenage drivers acknowledge they know the hazards of texting, but 35% admit to doing it anyways. Young drivers have to know that texting while driving is statistically more risky than driving intoxicated.

Teenaged drivers have many disruptions to deal with, but a cell phone can be perilous. Kansas City traffic lawyers are aware that 21% of fatal car accidents involving teens, were directly related to being distracted by their cellular telephone. It's stunning to discover that 11 teens die every single day because they were texting while driving. It's due to data like this that laws are modifying nationwide. No-one will kick the bucket if you wait until the car is in park to reply to your messages.

2012 Driving and Cellular Telephone Statistics

Pedestrian accidents are on the rise on account of cell phones, also. While it's probably not something you take into account, Kansas City traffic lawyers have seen a dramatic rise in pedestrian traffic accidents and deaths connected with cell phone use. Washington University did a 2012 study on some of Seattle's most popular intersections. Results showed pedestrians that were texting were an average of two seconds slower crossing the intersection, and four times less inclined to look each way before crossing. While that might not seem to be a lot, it makes a significant difference when a pedestrian isn't being attentive while they cross a busy street.

figures obtained from 2012 show very a high number of injuries were related to cell phone use. 2012 studies had traffic lawyers in Kansas City spinning from the large numbers of distraction-related car accidents involving drivers on their cellphones. That year by itself saw 3,328 distraction-related deaths in motor vehicle accidents. It's stunning to learn that nearly 50 % of all drivers on the road admit to answering their mobile phone while driving and 58% of those drivers will continue to talk as they drive. It can be very distracting to answer a cellular telephone while driving, but it is statistically more risky to text while driving.

2012 Driving and Cell Phone Data

Pedestrians on their cellphones account for an increase in distraction related injuries, too. Kansas City traffic lawyers and lawmakers nationwide have seen an incredible increase in injuries and fatalities involving pedestrians that were distracted by their cellphones. Research involving some of Seattle's busiest intersections were conducted in 2012. The results indicated it took an average of two extra seconds to cross the street, and pedestrians were Four times less inclined to look before they crossed the street. While that probably won't appear to be a lot, it makes a huge difference when a pedestrian isn't being attentive while they cross a busy street.

stats taken from 2012 show very an increased number of accidents were linked to cell phone use. Kansas City traffic lawyers are watching a dramatic rise in accidents of all kinds involving cellular phone usage. Distractions like answering telephone calls or text messages account for 3,328 deaths that year. Almost half of all drivers driving on the road admit to answering their cellular phones while driving and yet another 58% continue to drive while on the phone. Text messages are considerably more distracting than phone calls, but both of them are dangerous when driving.

Teen Driving and Cell Phone Facts

When researching distractions on the road, drivers younger than 21 are definitely the most affected. With that in mind, the traffic lawyers of Kansas City have seen some sad and horrifying cases involving teens texting while driving a motor vehicle. What's really amazing is that teens actually know better. 94% of teenage drivers acknowledge they are aware of the dangers of texting, but 35% admit to doing it anyways. Statistically, texting and driving is even more unsafe than drinking and driving.

Teenage drivers have sufficient distractions to contend with, but adding a cell phone to the mix may become fatal. Kansas City traffic lawyers know that 21% of fatal collisions involving teens, were related to being distracted by their cell phone. It's stunning to learn that 11 teens die every day because they were texting while driving. It's because of figures like this that laws are changing nationwide. Responding to a text message or responding to FaceBook can wait until the car is in park.

cellphones are distracting under any condition. Texting or using your cellular telephone while driving can lead to very serious injuries and might need the help of a Kansas City lawyer. Wise drivers will think about these statistics as a warning not to use their cell phone while driving. mobile phone use while driving is now a national problem and the possibilities of being involved in an accident increase every day. Between 2012 and 2013, the number of cellular phone distraction-related deaths has decreased 6.7%. That said, education is paramount to reducing that number even further.

Don't forget to read this traffic lawyers in Kansas City weblink if you're wanting more information about the attorney industry.