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However, our data clearly show that the opportunity to feed orally, regardless of the volume taken orally, speeds the transition to full oral feeding and to hospital discharge. Moreover, our data clearly indicate that these recommendations may be as appropriate for infants who have high morbidity as they are for infants at lower morbidity. The reduction in costs, to the infant, the family, and the health care system, makes these recommendations well worth the effort to incorporate into practice. Acknowledgments Research reported in this paper was supported by the National Institute of Nursing Research of the National Institutes of Health under Award no. R01NR005182 (Pickler, PI). The authors thank the parents who consented for http://www.selleckchem.com/products/MS-275.html their children to participate in this study. The authors further thank the nursing and medical staff at the VCU Health System for providing a supportive research environment and Dr. Al Best for assistance with data analysis. Disclaimer The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict GDC-0449 of interests regarding the publication of this paper.The World Health Organisation (WHO) [1�C3] describes the health of women throughout the childbearing years as crucial for the health and development of future generations. The maternal transition that occurs for first time mothers involves a huge amount of personal work [4�C6]. However, this transition may differ for women who are employed outside the home, as combining motherhood and work can be challenging [7, 8]. In the last decades, the number of women taking part in paid employment has increased [3, 9, 10]. Employment promotes women's autonomy and health [3, 11, 12] but may equally pose a threat to Quinapyramine the health of mothers, due to the difficult demands of balancing motherhood and employment [3, 8, 13�C16]. The European Union aims to protect the health of employed pregnant women and supports working mothers to combine work and family life [10]. However, modern working life places significant demands on employees due to greater pressure and responsibility and a high requirement on autonomy and flexibility [17�C19]. In Norway, the health of expectant mothers is generally considered good [20]. However, during pregnancy about 60% of employed women are sick-listed [21] and some feel discriminated in terms of work and career [22]. During maternity leave, both a higher risk of depression [23] and an increased life satisfaction are reported [24]. After maternity leave, many reduce their hours of employment [25], which may decrease their satisfaction at work [26, 27] as well as having a negative impact on their family life [28].

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