If You Read Hardly Anything Else Today, Check This Article About Otenabant

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Version du 16 décembre 2016 à 05:10 par Notekey15 (discuter | contributions)

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65; p?Ribociclib mw and calendar year (per 1?year later: OR?1.21, 95%?CI?1.14�C1.28; p?Otenabant patients, respectively. Table?2 shows the patterns of mutations identified and the proportions of patients infected with B or non-B subtypes who achieved virological success. Among patients on PI-based or NNRTI-based regimens, the rate of virological response was not different between subtype?B and non-B subtypes for any of the evaluated resistance patterns. Patients harbouring a wild-type HIV-1 genotype (vector?1) and beginning PI-based HAART were the only group allowing comparisons between subtype?B and some of the individual non-B subtypes. No significant difference was observed in this group when subtypes?F1 and C were compared with subtype?B (response rates of 23.1% and 44.4% vs. 36.7%, respectively). By contrast, a better response in patients carrying CRF02_AG (n?=?12) than in those with subtype?B (75.0% vs. 36.7%, p?0.012) check details was observed. In the overall population, we observed a better response to HAART with non-B subtypes, independently of treatment status at baseline and use of NNRTI-based or PI-based therapy. However, no difference was found according to subtype after stratification for treatment status. Response to treatment has been previously analysed with subtype?B viruses as compared with non-B subtypes considered as a single cumulative group [6�C10]. This approach may mask differences among specific subtypes in disease progression and drug susceptibility. Indeed, few studies have investigated treatment response with specific subtypes [11,12]. Some reports indicated subtype-independent effects of HAART, whereas other studies suggested that subtype?D, as compared with subtypes?C and A, negatively impacts on disease progression and response to treatment [13,14]. Our data indicate that the efficacy of NNRTI-containing or PI-containing HAART is similar with B and non-B subtypes when the same resistance pattern is detected. Response to therapy with specific non-B subtypes was difficult to analyse, owing to the limited number of cases. However, subtypes?F1 and C appear to respond similarly to subtype?B, supporting previous results and extending them to subtype?F1 [13].