Structure A Perfect ATPase Marketing Campaign

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Version du 28 décembre 2016 à 13:34 par Nylon8string (discuter | contributions)

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT The investigators are grateful to AYUSH for providing funds to conduct the study. Footnotes Source of Support: Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Conflict of Interest: None declared.""About 51 million people worldwide suffer from schizophrenia including 4.3�C8.7 million people in India.[1] Even though, pharmacotherapy is the main stay of treatment, complementary therapies like yoga are widely explored for their utility in many psychiatric diseases including schizophrenia. Previous studies have shown the usefulness of yoga especially for the negative symptoms such as amotivation, and anhedonia in schizophrenia.[2,3,4] ATPase However, these very symptoms, which are addressed by yoga therapy are also a barrier for practicing yoga, as a regular practice of yoga needs motivation. Practicing yoga in a yoga center on a daily basis though effective, is not feasible for most of the patients for various reasons, mainly logistics.[5] Hence, the present study was undertaken to assess the willingness of patients with schizophrenia to participate in yoga therapy programs on outpatient basis. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sample and setting The study was conducted in a tertiary care neuropsychiatry university teaching hospital in south Epacadostat India. Consecutive patients aged ��18 years attending the psychiatry out-patient services with a diagnosis of schizophrenia were recruited. Patients who were on medications and symptomatically stable were included in the study. Informed consent was obtained from the participants. Questionnaire development The content of the questionnaire used for the survey were arrived at by consensus among the investigators. The questionnaires included demographic details, awareness of yoga as a complementary therapy for schizophrenia, practice of yoga in the past and experiences (if any), and willingness to participate in yoga therapy program on out-patient find more basis [Appendix 1]. Data collection Consecutive patients with schizophrenia attending the outpatient services were approached. 100 consenting patients with schizophrenia were interviewed with the questionnaire [Appendix 1]. Coverage rate was 90.9% (100/110; 10 subjects did not consent). Analysis Data collected were scrutinized for completeness. Chi-square test was used for testing the significance of proportions. P

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