ATPase Factors And Myths

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Version du 30 décembre 2016 à 11:51 par Nylon8string (discuter | contributions)

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Methods Patients All the patients with a biopsy-proven diagnosis of TBMD in our Hospital were identified. After the performance of renal biopsy, all the patients have been ATPase regularly visiting our outpatient clinic, at intervals of 6�C12 months. TBMD patients were divided into two groups: those who presented with or had developed persistent proteinuria >0.5 g/day during follow-up (n = 16) and those without proteinuria (n = 16). Data collection The following data both at baseline and during follow-up were recorded: blood pressure, serum creatinine, eGFR, proteinuria and urine sediment. All of the treatments received by every patient throughout follow-up were recorded. Ultrasound studies performed during follow-up were reviewed: kidney size, the presence of renal cysts as well as their number and size and the presence of urolithiasis were recorded. Renal biopsies were reviewed in the present study and the following histological data were recorded: number of segmental or global sclerosed glomeruli, severity of mesangial proliferation and interstitial fibrosis, podocyte effacement and GBM width on electron microscopy studies. For the measurement of GBM thickness, a minimum of five capillary loops were studied. Ten transverse measurements between epithelial and membranes were performed on each loop in areas away from the mesangium. Those areas with no sharp outlined membranes were discarded. Epacadostat The severity of interstitial fibrosis was graduated between 0 and +++ (absent, mild, moderate and severe). Definitions The diagnosis of TBMD was established by the presence of diffuse thinning of GBM (mean GBM thickness Selleck MG132 or thickening were found on electron microscopy studies [16]. The presence of a blood pressure over 140/85 was considered hypertension. Nephrolithiasis was defined by the finding of kidney stones in radiological examinations or history of passing calculi. Follow-up was defined as the interval between renal biopsy performance (baseline) and the last visit, lost to follow-up or development of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). ESKD was defined by an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)

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