Neutral Study Reveals Some Un-Answered Questions About GDC-0941

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.
Version du 3 janvier 2017 à 23:37 par Goldferry8 (discuter | contributions)

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2 months for all patients (95% confidence interval, 23.9 to 30.5 months). Table 1 summarizes the clinical and pathologic characteristics of patients. Table 1. Characteristics of patients 2. Analysis of data set Multivariate Cox regression was applied to the patient data set to explore the significance of clinopathologic variables. The most influential variable for prognosis was DFI diglyceride and distribution of metastases. Although the number of metastases was not a significant factor for survival, it was reported as a significant prognostic factor in previous studies. Of the two, distribution of liver metastasis is likely to be a more robust factor since distribution of tumors is more easily determined compared to the absolute number of tumors. PCA was applied to CEA, distribution of liver metastasis, and DFI as variables in the training data set. From 500 rounds of simulation, mean accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity values were calculated to be 0.54, 0.12, and 0.81, respectively. The results of PCA of the test data set were similar to those of the training set with respect to accuracy and sensitivity, but the property GDC-0941 manufacturer of specificity was not similar. In the case of Fong��s criteria, the same three properties were 0.52, 0.47, and 0.65, respectively. Thus, the new PCA-based risk stratification method showed better performance in terms of accuracy and sensitivity, whereas specificity was lower than that of Fong��s criteria (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Comparison of accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity in training and test data sets. Results are from 500 rounds of simulation. The sizes of training and test data sets were 396 (70%) and 170 Selleck AZD0530 (30%), respectively. The symbol��indicates accuracy, ... The coefficients for distribution of liver metastasis were 0.9000793 in a single lobe and �C0.7349271 in both lobes; for CEA, 0.3480379 for �� 200 ng/mL and �C1.8054465 for > 200 ng/mL; and for DFI, 0.1686233 for �� 12 months and �C0.30495 70 for

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