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Version du 11 janvier 2017 à 01:04 par Brianoffice0 (discuter | contributions)

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Biotin-tagged amplicons were generated if a pathogen was present. Anti-tags coupled to colour-coded beads generated a bead-amplicon complex subsequently detected on the selleck inhibitor Luminex200 reading system. An internal control (bacteriophage MS2) was included in each specimen. Raw data were analysed with the TDAS GPP version 1.11 (xTAG Data Analysis Software): positive and negative results were linked to a ratio between the target median fluorescence intensity (MFI) and the threshold. Samples showing discrepant adenovirus results were tested on the Light Cycler 2.0? using an in-house real-time PCR [16]. Data were analyzed using StataTM software (StataCorp, Houston, TX, USA). The match between the assays was assessed using the Mc Nemar chi-squared test. p-values of Bafilomycin A1 (aged under 1?year). The 121 children attending the emergency unit (mean age, 2.80; median, 9; range, 0�C16) were considered to be outpatients. We found 176 (40%) positive samples collected from 162 patients (Fig.?1). Of these, 102 samples were positive for viruses, with rotavirus being the most common (70 samples; 15.9%), followed by norovirus (30 samples; 6.8%). Adenoviruses were detected in two samples. Bacterial agents were detected in 61 (13.9%) samples. Salmonella spp. was the most common (21 samples; 4.8%), followed by toxigenic Clostridium difficile (18 samples; 4.1%) and Campylobacter spp. (13 samples; 2.9%). STEC was detected in seven (1.6%) samples. One sample was positive for Shigella FMO5 spp. and one was positive for the O157 Escherichia coli serovar. Parasites were detected in 13 (2.9%) samples, with Cryptosporidium spp. being the most common (nine samples, 2%). Three samples were positive for Entamoeba histolytica and one for Giardia liamblia. There were 31 co-infections (7% of samples) of viruses and/or bacteria and/or parasites (Table?1). Co-infections involved two pathogens in 23 (5.2%) samples and three pathogens in eight (1.8%) samples. The two methods were compared using the data from samples tested by both techniques (Table?2). The xTAG? GPP detected more viruses than did conventional methods: for norovirus, 6.8% (30/440 samples) were positive compared with 0.3% (1/287 sample) using conventional testing (p?

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