UMI-77 Admirer - Practically All One Needs To Know To Be Able To Excel At UMI-77

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Version du 13 janvier 2017 à 09:52 par Nylon8string (discuter | contributions)

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Patients with advanced-stage adenocarcinoma of lung should all be screened for EGFR mutation and offered EGFR TKI if found to be mutation positive. Addition of bevacizumab is an optional therapy for patients without significant risk for pulmonary haemorrhage. Future investigation should, including identification of biomarkers for anti-angiogenesis, overcome EGFR TKI resistance and exploration of novel of molecular targets. ""4521" "HARNETT L1, JOHNSTON S2, THORNTON A3 1Royal Adelaide Hospital, 2Royal Adelaide Hospital, 3Royal Adelaide Hospital Introduction:?Capillary sampling as a surrogate for arterial puncture and the I-STAT analyser (Abbott Laboratories, Princeton, USA) are used for point-of-care CYTH4 testing despite conflicting validation studies. Aim:?To determine if capillary blood and I-STAT produce comparable results to conventional arterial selleck blood gas sampling and analysis (ABL725, Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark). Method: Experiment 1: Brachial arterial samples from 40 patients were analysed with ABL725 (Syringe), then promptly injected into a capillary tube (CapTube) and analysed on the ABL725. Experiment 2: Brachial arterial and capillary ear lobe samples (CapEar) were taken from a further 40 patients and analysed on the ABL725. Experiment 3: As cartridge temperature is known to affect I-STAT results, brachial arterial samples from 25 patients were analysed on the ABL725, then immediately, in random order, through two I-STAT cartridges left out of refrigeration for 20 (I-STAT20) and 30 minutes (I-STAT30) and then re-analysed on the ABL725. Data were analysed Selleck UMI-77 using ANOVA and paired t-tests with significance set at p? PaO2 (Experiment 1 and 2) and Hb (Experiment 2 only) were clinically different. Experiment 3: All ABL725 measurements were statistically different to I-STAT but PaO2 was clinically different. The difference was smaller if cartridges were removed from refrigeration for 30 rather than 20 minutes. Parameter Syringe-CapTube Arterial-CapEar ABL725-I-STAT 30 I-STAT20-I-STAT 30 ��p?