Your Qualified Make-up Tutorial

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.
Version du 24 octobre 2015 à 19:07 par Lily02throat (discuter | contributions)

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Drink water. Lots of it. Experts recommend at least 2 litres per day. Ditch the soft drinks, some of which contain as much as 16 teaspoons of sugar (dentist anyone?). Too much sugar in your diet makes skin lose elasticity and reduces youthful appearance. Hydrating your skin with water makes skin appear less dry and wrinkled. So aim for the recommended water intake for clearer brighter skin. makeup reviews

Swop that espresso for green tea. Loved by the Chinese for more than 4000 years, green tea contains among other health benefits catechins; super antioxidants that combat and prevent cell damage.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Cut out greasy fried foods and cut back on alcohol and smoking all of which can lead to serious diseases and speed up the ageing process. To help reach your 5-a-day try juicing vegetables which is not only delicious but also a quick and simple way to ensure your intake of essential nutrients and vitamins that will keep you healthy inside and out.

Superfoods. Introducing these foods in your diet may help your skin stay clear and healthy: hijab tutorials

  • Pomegranates - bursting with polyphenol antioxidants that fight free radicals and help maintain the skin's blood flow, giving a glowing appearance.
  • Walnuts - contain omega-3 essential fatty acids which can improve the skin's elasticity.
  • Avocados - contain vitamin E that protects the skin from cell damage.
  • Blueberries - contain vitamin C that aid glowing skin.
  • Spinach - contains beta carotene to aid normal skin development and skin tone.
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