Amusing Twitter Posts Over Parvulin

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Version du 7 février 2017 à 02:36 par Bronzezinc16 (discuter | contributions)

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Medical records were surveyed retrospectively for the development of surgical site infections (SSIs), including meningitis and infections outside the surgical field. Data were collected according to a standard form. The presence of any co-morbid conditions, the type of procedure performed, implantation of foreign bodies, procedure urgency, duration of surgery, concomitant procedures, intensive care unit (ICU) stay, presence of any drain, re-operations and CSF leaks were recorded. The CSF leak was recorded when such drainage was diagnosed Parvulin before or after surgery on the basis of otorrhea, rhinorrhea or leakage from the surgical wound. Infections were determined according to the definitions of the Centers for Disease Control/National Healthcare Safety Network (CDC/NHSN) [5]. A surgical site infection (SSI) was defined as (i) purulent drainage superficially or deeply from the incision or from the organ/space, (ii) organisms isolated from aseptically obtained fluid or tissue culture, (iii) symptoms and signs of an infection and (iv) diagnosis of a superficial or deep-seated SSI made by the surgeon or the attending physician. Meningitis was diagnosed if (i) organisms were cultured from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and (ii) diagnosis was made by the attending physician with at least one of the following: increased white cells, elevated protein or decreased glucose on CSF examination, organisms seen on Gram stain of CSF, organisms cultured from blood selleck chemical or positive antigen test of CSF, blood or urine. Data were analysed using SPSS software (version 16.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Continuous variables were compared using Student��s t-test or the Mann�CWhitney U-test, whereas categorical variables were compared using Fisher��s exact test. In univariate analysis, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated using the Mantel�CHaenszel statistic. Stepwise multivariate logistic regression was then used to model the interactions of those variables significantly associated with SSIs or meningitis in univariate analyses. A backward elimination model was used with Penter?=?0.20 and Pleave?=?0.05 to identify independent predictors click here for SSI and meningitis. Power calculations were performed using the PASS software (PASS 2008, Seven hundred and sixty patients (75.4% men) were studied. Causes of TBIs included motor vehicle accidents (58.9%), fall (36.5%) and assault (2.8%). The median age was 41 (range, 18�C96) years. Two hundred and fifty-eight patients (33.3% of TBI admissions) underwent a total of 342 surgical procedures. Fifty-three patients (20.5%) had at least two procedures performed (range, 2�C8). Younger patients had a greater chance of undergoing ��2 procedures (p?

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