Incredible Technique For S3I-201

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Version du 17 février 2017 à 23:34 par Goldferry8 (discuter | contributions)

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An example of the change in the topography of a foredune plot on St George Island from 2011 to 2013. The top two figures show the same plot in the first and last year of this study, with north towards the top. The lower figure shows the difference in ... To determine which species were most correlated with disturbance, individual species per cent cover were correlated with elevation and with change in elevation per plot within each habitat using non-parametric Kendall �� values. Because this involves many comparisons, P values were corrected for a false discover rate (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995). Results The elevation of the dunes varied over almost 4 m in these relatively young dunes (Fig.?3), with the highest areas along foredune ridges (Fig.?1). Foredunes were on average the highest and most variable of Quinapyramine the three habitats, while interdunes were not surprisingly the lowest and least variable. The change in elevation from 2011 to 2013 was generally very S3I-201 mouse small (Fig.?3), with notable exception of dunes gaining over 0.6 m or losing over 1.5 m. These were generally due to the collapse of foredune ridges into leeward areas more inland. This caused a loss of dune elevation along the ridge but an increase in elevation in the lower areas were the sand ended up. Figure?3. Boxplots showing the median (bar), 50 % confidence intervals (CI) (box) and 97 % CI (whiskers) for elevation (left) and change in elevation (centre and right) for the 147 plots in each habitat. The centre plot includes the outliers, while the right plot ... Over 60 species have been documented across the three dune habitats, with species richness increasing from foredunes to interdunes to backdunes (Miller et al. 2010). Vegetation on the dunes also varied among habitats, as Neratinib concentration shown by the NMDS (Fig.?4), with a significant effect of habitat (F = 56.1, P

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