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Version du 19 février 2017 à 10:50 par Angle3oil (discuter | contributions)

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01) and in all participants when analysed together (r2?=?0.18, P?Venetoclax order mass (g), and (C) myoglobin (?g/dL) vs. lean muscle mass (g). Open circles represent control group, while closed circles represent colorectal cancer patients ... Cardio-pulmonary exercise testing Anaerobic threshold was significantly lower in the CRC group compared with matched controls (1.18?��?0.44 vs. 1.41?��?0.71?L/min; P?Histone demethylase Open circles represent control group, while closed circles represent colorectal cancer patients (CRC). Discussion The results of this study demonstrate that plasma myoglobin is a poor predictor of muscle mass, and that plasma myoglobin and creatinine concentrations do not predict aerobic performance in CRC patients or healthy matched controls. Conversely, weight was strongly predictive of LMM in these two populations. Moreover, both weight and LMM predict aerobic performance, with LMM closely related to aerobic performance in both health and CRC. Despite previous smaller studies in disparate groups of cancers suggesting that myoglobin can be used as a surrogate predictive marker of functionally relevant muscle mass Enzalutamide purchase and aerobic performance in health and cancer states,20 using a larger cohort and homogeneous cancer location, we found no clear relationship between plasma myoglobin concentration and LMM or aerobic performance (CPET assessed AT) in healthy individuals or CRC patients. This is despite myoglobin being most highly expressed in the muscle fibres closely associated with aerobic performance.43 In tandem with previous studies, we do, however, find a significant, albeit weak, correlation between plasma creatinine concentration and LMM.

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