BGJ398 - Develop Into A Master In Five Straightforward Moves

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Version du 23 février 2017 à 13:53 par Butane3area (discuter | contributions)

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All statistical tests were two-tailed and p?Fluconazole ��65?years hospitalized with CAP were studied, 115 (36%) of whom were immunocompromised and 205 (64%) non-immunocompromised. Patients�� clinical and microbiological characteristics are shown in Table?1. The underlying immunosuppressive conditions were ��1 of the following: solid or hematological malignancy in 97 patients, pharmacologic immunosuppression (corticosteroids or cytostatic drugs) in 44, solid organ or stem cell transplant in five and other conditions in eight. There were no HIV-infected patients. Of 26 patients considered to be immunocompromised to corticosteroid therapy, only 9 (34.6%) had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Immunocompromised patients were mainly male and had a younger mean age than non-immunocompromised patients. There were more cases of previous pneumonia in immunocompromised patients. No difference was observed in the frequency of previous pneumococcal and seasonal influenza vaccination. The mean duration of symptoms before hospitalization in immunocompromised and non-immunocompromised patients was 4.9?��?6 vs. see more 5.1?��?4.3?days, respectively (p?0.73). Immunocompromised patients were more often classified into the PSI high risk classes. An etiologic diagnosis was made in 116 (36.3%) patients: 50 (44%) were immunocompromised and 66 (32%) non-immunocompromised (p?0.03). Blood cultures were obtained more often in immunocompromised patients. Bacteremia was detected in 14 (12.2%) immunocompromised and 19 (9.3%) non-immunocompromised patients (p?0.41). An etiologic diagnosis was made by bronchoscopy (including fibrobronchial aspirate, protected specimen brush, and bronchoalveolar lavage) in 5 (4.3%) immunocompromised and 3 (1.4%) non-immunocompromised episodes. The Paclitaxel research buy most-frequent microorganisms causing CAP were S.?pneumoniae (76, 65.6%), L.?pneumophila (15, 12.9%) and H.?influenzae (4, 3.5%), with no differences between groups. Gram-negative bacilli were isolated more often in immunocompromised patients (5.2% vs 0.5%; p?0.01). P.?aeruginosa and Nocardia spp. were isolated only in immunocompromised patients (three and two, respectively). There was one case of Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia and viral pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus, respectively, both in immunocompromised patients. Table?2 shows the empirical antimicrobial therapy and outcomes of CAP in the two groups. Most patients were given initial antibiotic monotherapy (70; 60.9% vs. 127; 62%). Levofloxacin was the most-frequently administered drug in both groups (29; 25.2% vs. 64; 31.2%). The mean number of treatment days was 13.6 vs. 12.8?days, respectively (p?0.36). The frequency of ICU admission, mechanical ventilation and the length of hospital stay did not differ between groups. The early (

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