All Technological Concept Linked To Olaparib

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Version du 3 mars 2017 à 04:58 par Brianoffice0 (discuter | contributions)

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To avoid the non-uniformity in the raw images, they were normalized with a 20 times averaged (minimal shot noise) image of a 300 ��M uniform fluorescein solution. FIG. 6. Fluorescent bead images in the non-descanned MMM and the standard single focus scanning microscope at 40, and 80 ��m imaging depths. The images are 410 ��m �� 410 ��m with 0.4 ��m resolution. Figure ?Figure66 shows that the non-descanned MMM can successfully image the bead sample. The measured full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the bead were the same, 4.1 ��m at 40 ��m depth, and 4.2 and 4.1 ��m at 80 ��m depth, for the non-descanned MMM Olaparib and the single focus scanning images. Thus, the non-descanned MMM shows comparable imaging capabilities to the single focus scanning, but is 16 times faster (excluding the four time manual movement of the sample). For further verification we investigated the capability of large FOV imaging and compared the emission signal loss between the descanned and non-descanned MMM B. Field-of-view comparison To compare the FOV of the descanned and non-descanned MMM, the same sample was imaged in both systems. The sample was a mouse kidney section labeled with three fluorescent dyes (FluoCells? Prepared Slide #3, ""type"":""entrez-nucleotide"",""attrs"":""text"":""F24630"",""term_id"":""4810256"",""term_text"":""F24630""F24630, Molecular Probes, Eugene, Oregon). Alexa Fluor? 488 wheat germ agglutinin was used to label elements of the glomeruli and convoluted tubules. The filamentous actin prevalent in glomeruli and the brush border were stained with red-fluorescent Alexa Fluor? 568 phalloidin. Finally, the nuclei were counterstained with the blue-fluorescent DNA stain DAPI. bepotastine The excitation wavelength was 780 nm, the laser power per focus was about 6 mW, and the dwell time was 40 ��s. The scanning size of one focus was 85 ��m �� 85 ��m with 0.4 ��m resolution, and the whole FOV was 680 ��m �� 680 ��m for 8 �� 8 foci. The excitation wavelength for the single focus scaning was the same 780 nm, the laser power was about 10 mW, and the dwell time was 40 ��s. The scan size was also the same 680 ��m �� 680 ��m with 0.5 ��m resolution. Emission signals were collected without spectral separation for all three fluorophores. Figure ?Figure77 shows the mouse kidney images taken in the descanned MMM, non-descanned MMM, and the standard single focus scanning microscope. Fig 7(a)-7(c) shows the raw images acquired from the three systems. For uniform signal intensity over the full FOV, the three raw mouse kidney images were normalized with the fluorescein solution images (Fig 7(g)-7(i)) acquired in each system with the same imaging condition as described in Section III A. The final processed non-descanned MMM image (Fig 7(d)) shows that the most of the objective lens FOV can be readily utilized, whereas the descanned MMM (Fig 7(e)) had a more limited FOV.

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