New Viewpoint On Isotretinoin Now Revealed

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Version du 8 mars 2017 à 23:21 par Scenecold6 (discuter | contributions)

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Computed tomography or magnetic resonance Isotretinoin imaging was performed annually. Analysis of survival data was performed in December 2012. Patients were categorized according to two groups: adjuvant CT with RT group (sequential group) and adjuvant RT or CT alone group (alone group). Staging groups were classified as early FIGO stage (I-II) and advanced stage (III-IV). Survival analysis was based on the Kaplan-Meier method, and the results were compared using a log-rank test. Diseasefree survival (DFS) was defined as the time from the date of primary surgery to detection of recurrence or the latest observation. Overall survival (OS) was defined as the time from the date of primary surgery to death or the latest observation. The ��2 test and Student��s t-test for unpaired data were used for statistical analysis. Cox regression analysis was used to determine factors affecting survival, presented as hazard ratios (HR). All statistical analyses were performed using Med-Calc software (ver. 11.5 for Windows, MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, Belgium). A p INCB28060 clinical trial was considered to indicate statistical significance. Results We identified 68 patients with UC during the study period. Two patients did not receive adjuvant therapy, were lost to follow-up, and were not included in the analysis. The characteristics of the patients are shown in Table 1. None of the patients had a history of pelvic RT. Table 1. Clinical characteristics of the study population Forty-one of 66 patients (62.1%) received CT with RT (early stage 20/37 and advanced stage 21/29). Sixteen of 66 patients (24.2%) received RT alone (early stage 14/37 and advanced stage 3/29). Only nine patients (13.6%) received CT alone (early stage 3/37 and advanced stage 6/29). The operative procedures performed are described in detail in Table 2. Table 2. Types of management of the patients Postoperative CT alone consisted of cisplatin+doxorubicin (6/9 patients), paclitaxel+carboplatin (1/9 patients), and vincristine+doxorubicin+cyclophosphamide+mesna (2/9 patients) for 4-6 cycles. In the sequential treatment group, CT consisted of mTOR inhibitor cisplatin+doxorubicin (28/41 patients), cyclophosphamide+doxorubicin+cisplatin (4/41 patients), ifosfamide+doxorubicin+mesna (6/41 patients), cyclophosphamide+ doxorubicin (1/41 patients), ifosfamide+etopo-side+mesna (1/41 patients), and ifosfamide+paclitaxel+ mesna (1/41) for 4-6 cycles. Details of adjuvant CT regimens are shown in Table 3. Postoperative RT alone consisted of EBRT (5/16 patients) and EBRT+VBT (11/16 patients). In the sequential treatment group, RT consisted of EBRT (28/41 patients) and EBRT+VBT (13/41 patients). Table 3.

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