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Version du 17 mars 2017 à 14:21 par Sextown39 (discuter | contributions)

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We used conditional logistic regression analyses to compute the odds ratio (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) to compare a previous diagnosis of epilepsy between cases and controls. We found that of the 192,408 sampled subjects, epilepsy was found in 117 (0.24%) cases and 240 (0.17%) controls (pselleck screening library OR of cases in which enzyme-inducing AEDs had been prescribed was 2.06 (95% CI: 1.43?2.95). A higher proportion of cases with prescribed NEIAED was also found (OR: 2.09, 95% CI: 1.49?2.92) compared to controls. This study demonstrates that patients with osteoporosis were more likely to have epilepsy and receive EIAED or NEIAED treatment. For patients with epilepsy who take AEDs, attention should be paid to the adverse effects of osteoporosis. ""Aim. To identify factors that influence diurnal Selleckchem Pazopanib and sleep/wake seizure timing in children undergoing tapered drug withdrawal in an epilepsy monitoring unit. Methods. Medical charts of patients that underwent video-EEG were reviewed. Seizures were evaluated based on their occurrence in three-hour time intervals (bins) and between wakefulness and sleep. Patients were classified according to EEG localisation and age: infants (��3 years), children (3�C12 years), and adolescents (>12�C21 years). Analysis utilising generalised estimating equations with a negative binomial distribution was performed. Results. A total of 390 patients (188 girls; mean age: 9.2 years; SD: 6.0) had 1,754 seizures. Generalised seizures (109 patients; 490 seizures) occurred more during wakefulness (pFluvoxamine seizures at night with increasing age (p=0.046). Temporal lobe seizures (62 patients; 271 seizures) occurred overall more frequently during wakefulness (p=0.03). Frontal lobe seizures (41 patients; 184 seizures) occurred more frequently during wakefulness in infants (p