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Version du 16 avril 2017 à 18:05 par Brianoffice0 (discuter | contributions)

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Emergence of harm-reduction efforts, normative interventions, and attempts to document campus strategies Given prior research demonstrating how expectancies influence drinking, and the potential to modify such expectancies through intervention, Fromme et al. (1986) evaluated an 8-week skills training program (STP) versus traditional alcohol education (Alcohol Information School; AIS) and self-monitoring/assessment only (AOC) among high-risk college drinkers. The STP was a stark departure from Reaganera ��just say no�� programs in that abstinence was endorsed as the least risky option, but students were encouraged to set their own goals with regard to drinking. Skills covered in the STP bepotastine were designed to help students who made the choice to drink do so in moderation and reduce alcohol-related harms. STP sessions included discussion of blood alcohol level (BAL) monitoring, managing high-risk drinking selleck screening library situations, discussion-based alcohol-expectancy challenge, and stress-management training. In addition to seeing if STP would influence alcohol-related expectancies, the potential mediating effect of changing expectancies on mean drinks per week, hours per week, and BAL was tested. Significant group differences were not evident; however, within-group analyses showed significant reductions on all drinking outcomes from baseline to postintervention and 4-month follow-up in STP, with no reductions evident in AOC and reductions in only hours and BAL evident in AIS at 4-month follow-up (but not postintervention). Although modest, the success of this approach spurred evaluation of successive variants of the STP, later termed the Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP; Kivlahan et al., 1990). By this time, the impact of peer influences on college drinking was clear. A growing movement involving peer health education became more visible. Researchers also began documenting the significant role played by misperceptions of the norms surrounding selleck inhibitor college student drinking. Perkins and Berkowitz (1986) showed that students tended to overestimate permissiveness of attitudes and drinking behaviors, and that these perceptions correlated with their own drinking. This research laid the groundwork for later interventions targeting individual normative reeducation and social norms mass marketing. In addition to documenting drinking rates and consequences experienced by college students, national surveys also attempted to detail services and educational efforts offered on college campuses. After three administrations of the College Alcohol Survey in 1979, 1982, and 1985, a majority (64%) of schools in 1985 (compared with 37% in 1979) reported having a task force or committee focused on alcohol education/prevention, and 48% of campuses in 1985 had a dedicated alcohol education coordinator/specialist (compared with 14% in 1979) (Gadaleto and Anderson, 1986).

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