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Version du 22 avril 2017 à 20:34 par Carbontrip9 (discuter | contributions)

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Do you or a family member have bad or poor posture? The creator of the the posture block Dr. Mainieri has help fix over 8,000 patients with bad posture.

Due to the high use of smartphones, tablets, and computers adults and kids have developed bad posture. With the continued use of these devices,, muscles, tendons, and ligaments start to grow into a deformed posture over time. The discs in the back will increase in pressure, this pressure on the nerves of the spine can create increased slouching, hunching, back pain, arthritis, and poor self esteem.

Bad posture habits start at a young age when the spine is growing and conforming to what ever environment the spine is put in. If the spine and ligaments that hold it together are put into a good environment with exercise and daily posture block use then the ligaments and spine will grow correctly.

On the other hand if the spine, ligaments, tendons, and muscles are put in a slouching, forward head tilt, hunching forward position for long periods of time the body will grow into this environment.

In order to fix bad posture Dr. Mainieri has his patients use the posture block every day just for 10 minutes. Its not so much the exercises that are important, its the ligaments that are the most important to have good posture.

What holds the bones of the spine together? Its the ligaments. The ligaments have the biggest effect on your posture. Not so much the tendons and muscles. Once people decide to fix there bad posture and are using the posture block every day, we recommend some simple exercises to help hold better posture. One would be doing seated rows, crunches, and yoga stretching.

Great posture takes time to change, but can totally change the persons attitude, outlook on life, and reduce pain. Many kids and adults come to Dr. Mainieri with mid back pain, bad posture, hyperkyphosis, dowagers humps, and they have low self esteem.

Once we get them on the posture block, just in a few weeks of using it every day we see a great improvement in the posture, self esteem, out look on life, they are no longer slumped over, hunching, and looking down on the earth. They are looking up, outward, with better posture.

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