
De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.
Version du 17 janvier 2016 à 08:40 par Gasship1 (discuter | contributions)

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Symptoms of common co-occurring disorders
The mental health issues that most typically co-occur with drug dependence are depression, anxiety disorders, and manic depressive illness.
Typical signs and symptoms of clinical depression
Emotions of helplessness and hopelessness
Loss of interest in day-to-day routines
Inability to feel joy
Food consumption or weight changes
Sleep changes
Loss of vitality
Unyielding feelings of insignificance or shame
Focusing troubles
Anger, physical pain, and ill-advised behavior (especially in men).
Prevalent signs of mania in bipolar affective disorder.
Emotions of euphoria or extreme irritability.
Outlandish, grandiose beliefs.
Diminished need for sleeping.
Escalated energy.
Rapid speaking and racing thought and feelings.
Diminished judgment and impulse control.
Anger or rage.
Common signs of anxiety.
Tremendous tension and worry.
Feeling restless or jumpy.
Frustration or feeling "edgy".
Racing heart or shortness of breath.
nicotine side effects
Queasiness, trembling, or lightheadedness.
Muscle tenseness, headaches.
Trouble focusing attention.
Sleep problems.

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