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By contrast, the heuristic based on unique extrema produces mildly conservative but close to optimal control, Ulixertinib purchase across a range of source spaces and regions of interest (varying by 3 orders of magnitude in the number of sources). In panel D, one can see that the false positive rates using this threshold are mildly conservative in relation to the desired rate of five percent. Note that the MVS threshold of 312.5 based on ��2(m???1?=?273) is vastly more conservative than any of the thresholds on source space statistics considered here. In Fig.?5, we use the unique extrema count to approximate the number of independent sources and compute Bonferroni corrected thresholds for the different source spaces and regions of interest. Here, we consider mass-multivariate tests involving more than one feature at each source location. Panels A, B, and C correspond to tests on v?=?2, 10, and 50 features per source. Panel D shows the achieved false positive rate. The heuristic GUCY1B3 gives mildly conservative thresholds, in relation to the permutation threshold, across tests of all dimensions. Again, note that these thresholds are orders of magnitude below the MVS threshold, which would be (given sufficient numbers of trials): ��2(2?��?274???1)?=?602.5, ��2 (10?��?274???1)?=?28,619 and ��2 (50?��?274???1)?=?13,972. We examined permutation and analytical thresholds for all source space densities, ROIs, and a range of (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50) spectral data features, for induced (power) and evoked responses. To see if the heuristic failed for particular source spaces or regions of interest, we tested for differences amongst the actual (permutation) corrected p-values obtained with an analytic threshold of p?=?0.05 (corrected). Collapsing across all features (for the whole brain ROI), we found no effect of source space (F(2,15)?=?1.4, p?=?0.278). Collapsing across grid spacing, we found no effect of features (F(5,12)?=?1.33, p?=?0.315). There was an effect of ROI (using 5?mm spacing, collapsing over features) (F(2,15)?=?3.74, p?PD173074 research buy on whether one tested for power or evoked response (F(1,10)?=?5.98, p?

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