Who Else Needs A Roxadustat ?

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

Here, I used the same approach as described before, considering alternative names in case the original name did not yield any data. If the dataset contained an entry that reported the taxon as exotic and harmful it was considered to be potentially invasive in its exotic range. To provide for the predominance of European seed catalogues, I compiled a database containing all Magnoliophyta, Gymnospemae, Pteridophyta and Bryophyta taxon names of DAISIE. Again, all unique verified names were checked for occurrence in the local DAISIE database. DNA barcodes The number of public DNA sequence records stored in BOLD for each of the taxon names of the UNL was determined using the BOLD API by firstly determining if the taxon name exists PTPRJ (Taxon Search API) and secondly, if the name was present, taxon data including the number of public sequence records was retrieved (Taxon Data API). Again, in case the original name was not found, I used the alternative name approach as described before. Results Taxonomic names were extracted from name lists of 135 botanic gardens located in 124 European, 6 North American, 4 Asian countries and 1 South American country (Fig. ?(Fig.11?1a).a). The resulting database contained 58'990 names, comprising 14'795 unique species, 209 hybrids, 1'147 subspecies, 683 varieties, 85 forms and 1'892 cultivars representing 3'260 genera and 296 families. After excluding all cultivars there were 16'223 names left for validation Roxadustat order via EOL, COL and TPL (Suppl. material 2). The assembled TPL name database contained 1'292'889 entries, 99.9 % of Version 1.1 with 1'293'685 name records. Name verification Using exact-search (Fig. ?(Fig.11?1b),b), 13'764, 12'939 and this website 14'338 names could be verified using COL, EOL and TPL respectively, constituting a success rate of 79.8 to 88.4 %. Searching for alternative names (relaxed-search, Fig. ?Fig.11?1b)b) using a Levenshtein distance of

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