Are you looking for a wonderful new Executive Condo in Singapore?

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

Are you looking for a amazing new Executive Condo in Singapore? Then The Amore is definitely the one that will be of interest to you!

What is The Amore? A hot new property especially for those desiring to own their very first condominium. What is an Executive Condo? It is an exclusive new scheme in Singapore - a Singapore EC costs 25%-35% less per square foot at the start, but in just a interval of 3 years, will rise to the same price as the average Private Condo!

But that's not its only drawing point. With an exclusive hold of 378 units only, The Amore is sure to be in demand! This means wider personal space for inhabitants, and the condo is included with a variety of facilities such as Tennis Court and Parking lots! It is also situated at a beautiful Punggol waterfront, with easy access to many areas such as Punggol Plaza through the North East Line (NEL).

If you're looking for an EC in Singapore, The Amore is certainly the EC that you're looking for! Come browse the website today for more information or contact us for any further questions that you may have!

Visit their website for more details: Singapore EC, The Amore, The Amore EC.

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