Alleluia Our God Is Speaking David Haas

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Is God Ever Silent? God Speaks…

July 21st, 2016 |  Author: admin 

Is God At any time Silent? I examine the entire Bible with this problem in intellect and answered my concern without a doubt: “No—God is in no way silent.” I found a lot of verses that place the load back again on the shoulders of mankind, these as, “If I regard iniquity in my coronary heart, the LORD will not hear me” (Psalm 66: eighteen KJV). But I found practically nothing to imply that God turns into deaf and mute and withholds His counsel when we are walking uprightly in Him. Psalm 50: three (NIV) even suggests, “Our God arrives and will not be silent.” That was solution enough for me. God will not be silent. God is never silent He is always speaking to a persons with an open up ear. For all those that have ears to hear. He speaks to the saved and unsaved, He always finds a way to get his information to you if you need Him to speak to you and give you guidance. God is still speaking today by way of his individuals His voice is ever on the lips of His priest and prophets that are still speaking the Word of God today. God does not communicate Scripture right now, but He speaks individually and to congregations He is speaking currently and will not be silent. So if God is never ever silent, why does it feel as however God is not talking to me or my family, as a lot of others are indicating. God wishes to give you the keys to His Kingdom and open your understanding to hear his voice today. Peter Coach

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