Entertainment News and the Critic

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

Entertainment news publications and online editions have sections written by critics. These could be film reviews for a film that has released at a theater close to you. It could also be the music reviews for an album that is gradually climbing up the charts. Critics have been panned by artists for centuries. Many artists relegate critics to the sidelines with the powerful belief that they have taken up criticism only because they have not been able to create art themselves. But that opinion is not totally free from fallacy. Critics do their job and that job has a purpose.

The primary job of the critic is to inculcate good taste amongst audiences and viewers. Entertainment news portals are their media. Simply because a large chunk of the individuals read these entertainment news sites, the critics can reach out to much more people with their views and opinion about things. The film reviews that they write tell the audience what they can anticipate from the film. They tell you if the film ticket is worth your money or not. I'm not saying that you accept their opinion as gospel truth, but when learned critics say some thing, they should have some reason for performing so.

In the field of music, critics have a unique to play as nicely. Music reviews inform and educate listeners about the trends of modern music. Being a connoisseur in music and performing arts, the critic manages to pack in his knowledge about music when he writes music reviews. The opinion of the critic is essential for music reviews because the critic is nicely-aware of the various genres of music, be it Eastern, Western, jazz, blues or reggae. The critic pours out his knowledge on the entertainment news pages. Readers of these columns can only advantage from the discovered wisdom of the critic.

Critics hold a lot of sway more than the business aspect of the entertainment business. Viewers go to the theaters primarily on what the opinion of the movie reviews is. They generally have a tendency to head to the theaters with a pre-conceived concept formed by the reading of the critic's opinion. The exact same happens in case of music reviews. Sales of albums really feel the effect of a critic's evaluation, and if the critic happens to be somebody of repute or from a respected publication, the influence is deeper. Music reviews are also important links in understanding the flow and direction modern music is taking.

Getting stated all these, I am not saying that the critic is usually correct in his assessment. There are numerous examples of films trashed by critics in the film reviews but they have gone on to turn out to be blockbusters. Some, which the critics hailed as cinematic masterpieces, didn't find an audience. The viewer or the listener, in case of music reviews, is the ultimate judge. Critics writing for entertainment news publications can only claim to be guides. They point out certain elements and the viewer has to determine if he agrees with the sensibilities of the critic in these aspects.

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