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Having your home taken over by insects can be a nightmare! Are you being driven crazy by these critters? Pests carry disease. Pests can carry and spread diseases, not to mention the destruction they can cause to your home. Take a look at this post to learn some of the most typical pest issues and how to solve them.

Bedbugs are sneaky and can be hard to eliminate entirely. Prior to exterminating, close open holes. This will help you to be sure that the bugs won't pop out of the holes after you try and exterminate them.

Bedbugs are a pain to rid your home of, as they are proficient at hiding. Close up open holes you may find prior to extermination. Doing this means no bugs can come out after you have exterminated.

Use sticky-paper traps to control brown recluse spiders. These spiders are poisonous and enjoy hiding in places that aren't easy to get with chemicals. They do need to come out in the night to look for something to eat. Add traps near the walls, behind sofas and other furniture so that you stand a good chance of trapping them.

Anytime you put brushes around your home, ensure you put them a minimum of one foot away. Brush is a natural home to many insects and there is no way to prevent this. Placing it closer will bring the bugs to you inside.

For those who have pest problems, you may be close to getting rid of the issue. Ask the pros at your nearby home improvement center to recommend some good pest control measures. These people will be aware of which pesticides will be effective on your specific pests.

Avoid planting trees too close to the house if your home is prone to rat or mouse infestation. That's because the rodents can easily climb and come into your home through your roof or attic. A good rule is to keep trees about 15 feet or more away from your house.

When placing brushes around the home, place them at least a foot away from the building itself. Every type of vegetation is a natural home for just about every pest that you can imagine. If you locate the brush right next to your house, the insects will inevitably find their way inside.

pest and building inspection service Fleas are notoriously hard to rid your home of, however, there are quite a few things that are able to help you if you wish to rid yourself of them. You need to vacuum daily, and use a flea spray. Remember to throw away your vacuum bag after vacuuming your house.

Consider using hairspray to kill flying insects. Hairspray doesn't harm you or any pets you have, but it kills the insects. They become sticky and unable to move. This works well on bees, especially when you don't want to approach them.

Do you have rodents entering your house? You might need to look at the outside of your home for places they may be getting in. Use scouring pads and poison to fill such cracks. Often, something like mustard oil will be enough to keep the rodents at bay.

There are different things you can do to get rid of pests. Safety is paramount in whichever method you finally find to deal with your pest problem. You must rid your home of pests without harming your family and pets.

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