Mailchimp Experts Christchurch NZ

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Email marketing is the online equivalent of direct mail. Although every email you send to a client or potential customer could be thought of as email marketing. It really means sending bulk emails to your email list. Or part of your list. With aims that might include Building your relationship with existing customers. Encouraging repeat business. Acquiring new customers. Persuading people to buy something.When it is used with permission for building and maintaining relationships with your customers. Email marketing is an efficient and powerful tool that needs to be thought of seriously. But there are three important reasons why email is still central to your online marketing even if you market your business on social networks. Being YOU OWN THE DATA. What happens if you get booted off Facebook. Or if Twitter goes down at a critical time for you. What if the entire social network you've been relying on goes under. YES if you have built up your own email list, this isn't a problem. As you rather than a third party own this valuable to you information. YES build up your following on social networks but also try to convert them to your mailing list subscribers.

Not everyone likes being sold to on social networks. You need to use them with caution. Keep your message relevant and not just spam a social network with buy my product. We're much more used to email as a sales channel. If we have given our permission to be included on an email list. We can expect to be sold to at least some of the time. The overriding principle is you MUST get permission.If someone signs up to your list they know to expect email from you. They are more likely to be interested in your email. Ideally use a double opt-in form. This sends out an email to someone who has signed up to your West End Estate Agents newsletter asking them to click on a link to confirm on a link to confirm their subscription. For your email autoresponder service provider I recommend Aweber. They have a massive range of designs for your opt-in first name and primary email address. Just choose the fields you want and copy and paste the code.

Your email newsletter sign-up form is the most important call to action on your website. And it should be in a prominent position on your webpage.Offer an incentive. Create a short eBook or other downloadable resource that your list would find useful.

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