Mobile Devices Behind the Wheel Present Difficulties for Kansas City Traffic Legal Professionals

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People don't realize how destracted they become every time they pick up their cell phone while driving. Rush hour in Kansas City is a struggle enough, but can quickly switch to involve attorneys and traumatic events when you add the distraction of a cell phone. Using a smart phone isn't so smart when they create disruptions and potential tragedy. The number of accidents directly caused by a driver distracted with their cell phone is very high, estimated to be 1.6 million per year. While cellular phones aren't the sole distraction faced by drivers, they may be certainly regarded as being a major cause of distraction related accidents.

Legislation for Driving With a Cellphone in Kansas

Laws concerning cell phones are always changing. Kansas City traffic lawyers have a unique challenge with regards to cell phone regulations because the city shares a state line between Kansas and Missouri, linking both states with roads and a huge metropolitan area. While Kansas forbids texting while driving; Missouri doesn't have laws available for using a cell phone when driving. That is certainly going to change soon, and not only for the state of Missouri. As cellular telephone related accidents will continue to soar, lawmakers are changing cell phone ordinances across the country.

Almost 2 / 3 of US states have realized there are significant dangers to using a cell phone while driving and have legislation regulating mobile phone use while driving. If you're driving through Kansas, regardless of whether you're stuck in traffic, at a stop sign or at a stop light, using your cell phone could result in having to hire a legal professional and/or substantial fines. Lots of people don't realize Kansas has this kind of law in place because it's not widely publicized. The Kansas law states that anyone younger than 21 is prohibited from using a cellular telephone at all, while those over 21 are banned from texting while driving. Be familiar with your regional laws concerning cellphones, as they change regularly.

General Stats on Driving and Cellphones

The statistics on driving when using a cell phone speak for themselves. Lawmakers and Kansas City traffic attorneys have been working hard to change cell phone laws to make our highways safer. When you do the math, you'll find that answering a text message actually distracts your attention away from the road for about five seconds, and at 55 mph, that's like driving the duration of a football field while blind-folded. It is a undeniable fact that texting while driving is an extremely dangerous cell phone activity. 94% of people surveyed support banning texting while when driving, and 74% are in favor of banning cell phones when driving completely. Hands-free cell phone options don't seem to improve those facts.

The basic numbers on using a mobile while driving are astonishing. Kansas City traffic attorneys have experienced a dramatic increase in awful cases involving cell phones and driving. It has been reported by the National Safety Council that over 330,000 injuries and 1.6 million crashes every year are related to using a cell phone while driving. Texting while when driving is 6 times more likely than driving drunk to result in a collision, and texting behind the wheel is responsible for a surprising 1 in 4 traffic accidents. Information like that should make people reconsider picking up their cell phone while they're driving.

Teen Driver Cellular Telephone Data

Teenage drivers have many disruptions to face, but a cell phone may be perilous. Traffic lawyers in Kansas City and attorneys nationwide understand that 21% of deadly crashes involving teenage drivers were directly related to driving when using their cell phones. A staggering 11 teenage drivers die each day because they were texting and driving. With stats like that, it's a matter community and personal safety to evolve our cell phone laws. Waiting until the car is in park is the very best time to answer a text message or answer your FaceBook.

Quite possibly the most distracted drivers driving on the road are the ones under 21. Kansas City traffic lawyers have observed their share of tragedies involving teenagers who are using their cell phones while behind the wheel. The real sad truth is that these young people knew better. It has been reported that a surprising 94% of teenybopper drivers know using their cell phone while driving could be hazardous, but 35% admit to doing it anyway. Young drivers need to learn that texting while driving is statistically more perilous than driving intoxicated.

Driving and Mobile Data from 2012

The driving when using cell phone data from 2012 were surprisingly significant. Traffic lawyers in Kansas City saw 2012 as a year with a extremely high number of distraction related crashes, most of which were related to texting and driving. Distractions like answering phone calls or text messages account for 3,328 deaths that year. It has been reported that just about one half of drivers admit to answering their cellphones while driving and 58% of them people continued to drive while talking. It can be very distracting to answer a cellular phone while driving, but it is statistically more hazardous to text while driving.

Pedestrian calamities are on the rise as a result of cell phones, also. While it's most likely not something you take into account, Kansas City traffic lawyers have seen a remarkable increase in pedestrian accidents and deaths related to cell phone use. In 2012, a study was conducted on a number of Seattle's busiest crossing points. Final results indicated it took typically two extra seconds to cross the road, and pedestrians were 4 times less likely to look before they crossed the street. While that probably won't sound like a lot, it can make a huge difference when a pedestrian isn't being attentive when they cross a busy street.

2012 Driving and Mobile figures

Pedestrians on their phones account for a rise in distraction related accidents, too. Contrary to popular belief, Kansas City attorneys also have seen a rise in pedestrian mishaps and deaths involving cell phones. Studies involving some of Seattle's busiest intersections were performed in 2012. The outcome indicated it took approximately two added seconds to cross the street, and pedestrians were 4 times less inclined to look before they crossed the street. Two seconds isn't considerable time, but the study established that a pedestrian is treacherously sidetracked when using a cell phone.

2012 saw some unbelievable increases in mobile related crashes. 2012 stats had traffic lawyers in Kansas City reeling from the signifigant amounts of distraction-related vehicle accidents involving drivers on their cellphones. That year alone saw 3,328 distraction-related deaths in auto accidents. It's stunning to know that nearly 50 % of all drivers on the road admit to answering their cell phone while driving and 58% of those drivers will continue to talk while they drive. It can be very distracting to answer a cellphone while driving, but it is statistically more dangerous to text while driving.

Traffic figures Regarding Teens and Mobile Devices

Teenage drivers have sufficient distractions to deal with, but adding a cell phone to the mix can become fatal. Kansas City traffic lawyers understand that 21% of fatal collisions involving teens, were related to being distracted by their mobile. Each day, 11 teenage drivers die because they were sidetracked while texting and driving. It's due to research like this that laws are updating nationwide. Waiting until the car is in park is the very best time to answer a text message or answer your FaceBook.

Drivers below the age of 21 are reported to be the most distracted on the road. With that in mind, the traffic lawyers of Kansas City have seen some sad and horrifying cases involving teens texting while driving a motor vehicle. It's not because they don't know better, either. Many experts have reported that a surprising 94% of teen drivers know making use of their cell phone while driving could be harmful, but 35% admit to doing it nonetheless. Young drivers need to learn that texting while driving is statistically more dangerous than drinking and driving.

Using a cellular telephone is always distracting. You could possibly end up needing to employ a Kansas City traffic lawyer in the event you answer a text message while driving. Wise drivers will think about these statistics as a warning not to use their cell phone while driving. Drivers using their mobile phones while when driving have become a national concern. The good thing is that educating people on the hazards have dropped the number of fatalities in 2013 by 6.7%. This just demonstrates that understanding is extremely important to enhancing the safety of our roadways.

Does the law industry grab your attention? To learn more on the subject of Kansas City traffic lawyer check out this traffic lawyers in Kansas City website.

Kentner Wyatt, LLC 435 Nichols Rd #200 Kansas City, MO 64112 (816) 527-0010 Kentner Wyatt, LLC

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