Monetise your website

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

Google AdWords is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website. With AdWords, you can instantly advertise your site on Google deliver your business's solution to your consumers immediately. If you want to get more clicks out of your Google AdWords campaign, you need to increase your Google AdWords CTR (Click Through Rate).

If you are new to AdWords, you may find it hard to achieve high CTR and therefore unable to drive much traffic to your site. It is very important to achieve a high CTR because you can use it to test your marketing strategies and find out whether your product or service is in demand.

Therefore, it is important for all AdWords marketers to know how to achieve a decent CTR. In this article, let me give you some tips that you can apply now to improve the CTR of your campaign:(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Are you using pay per click advertising (PPC) in your online business today? If not then you're missing out big time on the amount of profits that you can make. This form of advertising has become a staple in the online marketing industry. It's almost the first thought that people think of when they think about advertising online. And you should add this wonderful marketing medium to your marketing plan.

So there are basically 2 major pay per click search engines on the internet. One of them is Google AdWords, and the other one is Bing Ads. We will discuss both in detail in just a little bit. I think you should just stick to these 2 advertising platforms if you're going to do PPC.

There are other PPC programs out there, but they are just not as supreme as the 2 that I just mentioned earlier. If you can harness and leverage both of these programs to your advantage... you could have a field day in your business. Let's go over Google AdWords first. Here's what you need to know:(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

One of the best ways to get targeted traffic to your website is by paying for it. And one of the best ways to pay for traffic is via pay per click advertising (PPC). There are 2 major PPC programs on the internet. There are a lot of them online, but for most people, only the top 2 are worth using.

The 2 major pay per click programs are "Google AdWords" and "Bing Ads" (combination of Bing and Yahoo). Both are excellent for getting immediate traffic to your site, and traffic that is good when it comes to conversions. But just advertising on these platforms aren't enough. You have to be good and test and track your campaigns to see if your campaign is a winner, or if you may have to find a better way of advertising.(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

make money from your website

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