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In baseline lung-function measurement, resistance (n?=?8; 7.8%) or reactance (19; 18.4%) at 5?Hz were pathological in 20% of children compared to Finnish population-based height-adjusted reference values. Increased bronchial reactivity by exercise challenge (5; 4.9%) or bronchodilatation (11; 10.7%) tests was present in 16%. Irreversible changes were revealed in only one case. Though reduced lung function and increased airway reactivity were rather common, evidence for persistent lung function reduction was rare, less than 1%, at preschool age in children hospitalized for bronchiolitis caused mainly by respiratory syncytial virus at age less than 6 months. Pediatr Pulmonol. ? 2014 Wiley S6 Kinase Periodicals, Inc. ""Congenital tuberculosis is a rare disease. The mortality is very high. Through a review of our own cases and the world literature, we describe clinical manifestations, treatment, and prognosis of this disease. A total of 170 subjects with congenital tuberculosis that 6 cases identified by the authors and 164 cases identified in other case series were included in this study. All patients were diagnosed according to Cantwell's criteria. The data were analyzed using SPSS, version 17.0 spss. There were 70 premature babies among the 170 infants with congenital tuberculosis. The average onset age was 20 days. The mothers of 162 LY294002 solubility dmso patients were diagnosed as having active tuberculosis during pregnancy or after parturition. Nonspecific signs and symptoms were found in these 170 cases, such as fever, respiratory distress, and hepatosplenomegaly, buy Lapatinib etc. Abnormal chest radiographs were found in 133 infants, of whom 83 cases showed miliary tuberculosis and multiple pulmonary nodules. Sixty-eight infants died from among the 169 cases. The mortality dropped to 21.7% after treatment with anti-tuberculosis medication. The blood leukocyte count (P?

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