Simply Too Busy To Control CDK9 ?

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

03 seconds that we shifted earlier the time axis of current i, f(m) will have a minimum value. Figure 8 Functional relationship between f(m) and m, where the horizontal ordinate represents m and the vertical ordinate represents Obeticholic Acid f(m). We compared the curve of kt when m values were 0 and 2, and the result is shown in Figure 9. We can see easily that when the m value is 2, the influence of the lag of the current signal brought to kt has almost been eliminated. And now the value of the coefficient Ck1 is 1.3263 and that of Ck2 is ?0.8789. Figure 9 Comparison of the curve of kt when the m values are 0 and 2, where the horizontal ordinates represent time points and the vertical ordinates represent kt. Although when m values 2, f(m) has a minimum value if m must be an integer, what if m equals a decimal number? To obtain a more accurate m, we can linearly interpolate the force data that will be used to fit coefficients. From the results above, we know the value of m we want is between Microbiology inhibitor 2 and 3. So the force data that are shifted earlier by time point number m can be calculated by the following expression: Fj(n?m)=Fj(n?2)?(3?m)+Fj(n?3)?(m?2),2CDK9 the m value is 2. Now the coefficient Ck1 value is 1.3240 and the Ck2 value is ?0.8763. Since the coefficients are both determined by the properties of the DC motor, but not the grinding object, use them as a couple of standard coefficients in the next. Figure 11 Comparison of the curve of kt for m values of 2 and 2.42. Since the value of kt is unstable when the current decreases rapidly, we need to eliminate this interference. Here we do a revision to the calculation of kt to make it more smooth and steady when the current decreases rapidly. At the same time, we add a larger number to the denominator of the expression of kt to make it steadier during idling. So kc, the correction value of kt, can be calculated by the following equation: kc,n=Ck1i+Ck2+Ck5(in?in?1)Fj,n+Ck4 (17) where Ck4=0.2, Ck5=1, and kc,n, in, and Fj,n are the values of kc, I, and Fj in moment n. Recognition algorithms According to the surgeons�� operating habits and the experimental data, the rate of change in the current during normal milling is usually small, not exceeding 5 A per second.

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