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N (r?=?0.518, P?=?0.005) and vBMD (r?=?0.699, P?find more use of CBCT as pre-operative tool for implant treatment planning because it is shown to be reliable to assess atrophic posterior maxilla density and microarchitecture. ""D. Sandhu1, D. Kheur1, D. Kheur2, D. Harianawala1 1Department of Prosthodontics and Implantology, M.A.Rangoonwala Dental College, Pune, India2Department of Oral Pathology, Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College, Pune, India Background The predictability of implant treatment depends to a large extent on the health of the hard and soft tissues. Photofunctionalization Isotretinoin of titanium implants is an initiative of prospective research which has garnered high interest and attention in the recent years. Ultra-violet (UV) light treatment of titanium implants has been reported to increase bone-to-implant contact (BIC) from a 55 to 98.2% (Aita 2009, Ogawa 2012), this increase in BIC aids in bone implant integration. The enhancement of osseointegration is by rendering superhydrophilicity to the implant, by decreasing the contact angle of titanium implant from 60 degree -90 degree to 0 degree and also by a significant decrease in surface hydrocarbons (Att W 2012). These surface property changes result in an increased recruitment, attachment, retention, proliferation, and overall phenotype of osteogenic cells. The effectiveness of UV treatment in challenging conditions such as bone healing with short INCB28060 manufacturer implants and a significant peri-implant gap has also been demonstrated in the past(Funato 2013) Despite establishment as a routine procedure, implant therapy still faces many challenges in application and treatment outcomes. The literature does not document the effect on soft tissue outcome when implant superstructures are photofunctionalized. Aim/Hypothesis The purpose of this study was to determine if epithelial cells show improved adhesion to implant abutments subjected to photofunctionalization, compared to untreated titanium surfaces. Material & Methods Photofunctionalization was carried out for titanium disc samples (n?=?20) using a photo device and subjected to UV radiation of 313?nm wavelength for 15?min. The treated samples were assessed for the surface chemical composition using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Titanium discs with an untreated surface were used as controls. All the discs were cleaned by sonication, washed and sterilized and placed in multi-well plates containing media. Cells (oral epithelium and fibroblasts) from well established cell lines were added to the samples.

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