Tantric Massage to Improve Your Sensuality and Spirituality

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Some individuals wonder what a massage can do to a human body other than the feel great factor. Well, massage can assist you balance your body by enhancing the five elements in the body. The advantages of obtaining a professional massage are numerous. They act as self healers as they not only unwind the tensed muscle tissues but also clear the body of toxic acids like lactic acid. It increases flexibility and removes stiffness thereby growing mobility of the muscles and joints. They are various kinds and various forms of massages. One such variation in massage is the tantric massage.

Tantra is an eastern term utilized for Kundalini powers by energizing the seven Chakras. The belief is that sexual energy is spiritual and that utilizing this 1 can attain great spiritual glory. Tantra is usually related with spirituality of the male and feminine elements. Although it is an eastern belief much more and more individuals from the west have began to practice it for their physical, emotional and spiritual development.

People usually associate tantra with sex. And hence this massage was regarded as as a sexual massage done to gratify the sexuality and provide total satisfaction. But gradually this type of massage has gained popularity people now understand it as a massage to increase the sensuality and make them more open to touch and the feeling associated with it. It might help improve the sexuality by growing sexual power but the aim of this massage is not to offer sexual gratification.

Some major benefits are: • The body's Kundalini is awakened • All the seven spiritual chakras are enhanced and energized • Balance of physical, emotional and spiritual energies • Women encounter great advantages. Menstrual cramps are minimized via vaginal tantric massage • It opens up new levels of pleasure by increasing the sensuality in the body organs

london tantric massage

Tantric massage in London serves individuals without compromising on the tradition and the cultural aspects of this eastern philosophy. The massages provided are carried out by genuine and professional person, as it is very important for the massage receiver and giver to trust and like every other. It can relieve great emotional buildups and tension instantly and offer great relief by opening up all the energy centers in the body. Tantric massage is safe as lengthy as you do it with a trusted source.