The Many Types Of Pokemon

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

In the event you didn't know, nowadays there are over 17 forms of Pokemon, with 495 individual species. This is a far cry from your few original 'Capsule Monsters' that Satoshi Tajiri invented under twenty years ago. Regrettably for some (some- most gamers just acknowledge the new pokemon soul silver gba together with joyous enthusiasm), there is absolutely no real story or logic behind the proliferation of all these species over the years, but they keep growing. And the more there are, the more you can find to be caught and trained!

The latest within the Pokemon craze is the Pokemon Black and White which includes of course spawned new monsters, both the new Pokemon Black and White video games, and also a whole

of Pokemon Black and White credit cards, Pokemon Black and White plush toys (stuffed toys) and Pokemon Zukan Tomy figures. Pokemon Black and White promo control cards were very hot once they came out. In fact , Pokemon Black and White has been the most fun release that the game has seen in some time.

Type 1 these are known as 'normal' Pokemon, though it's hard to notice what's normal regarding them. Type 2 are Fire Pokemon and as the name implies, have some ability to make fire. Most tend not to look anything like dragons however. Sort 3 is Sort 2's opposite- the Water Pokemon. Presumably a hearth Pokemon will be doused in battle with one of these, or whoever provides more of each will win. Type four are the Electric Pokemon. From this group comes the Pokemon mascot, Pikachu. These creatures are capable of generating huge electrical charges once they need to- which is, in battle, or perhaps in the hands of an inexperienced trainer. Sort 5 are the Snow Pokemon, which are excellent for slowing down an opponent in battle.

Technically, they should be in a position to keep a much cooler chilled on a journey to Vermillion City as well. Type 6 are the Grass Pokemon, which generally means that their DNA have been crossed with vegetation. These leafy vestiges usually give the Pokemon powers like electric shavers or intoxicating scents. Type 7 will be the Fighting Pokemon, so that the name implies, these people excel at punching, throwing, and the martial arts. Kind 8 are the Dangerous Pokemon. Don't let them bite you, spit on you, or lick you. Many possess poisonous skin or perhaps other body parts as well.

Type 9 are the Ground Pokemon. These people hunker low as well as release a ferocious upwards attack. They are difficult to pin down as well. Sort 10 are the Flying Pokemon. Their advantages are obvious however are susceptible to fire, drinking water, and poison assaults. Type 11 will be the Physic Pokemon. They often know what their adversary's next move will probably be. Type 12 will be the Bug Pokemon. Their own weakness in infirmity they make up for within agility. Type 13 are the Rock Pokemon. They are very hard to beat and deliver devastating blows. Type 14 are the Ghost Pokemon. If you can't see all of them, you can't hit them. Type 16 would be the Dark Pokemon. They are very good at mixing into the background to get a sneak attack. Lastly, Type 17 would be the Steel Pokemon. Such as the Rock Pokemon, these are very hard to defeat and also deliver devastating blows.

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