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Materials and Methods: PA and CBCT radiographs were obtained from 26 single Astra Tech Osseospeed? implants (Astra Tech AB, M?lndal, Sweden) 1 year after loading in respectively healed ridges (CIT) or extraction socket (IIT). For accuracy analysis, the three mesial and three distal interproximal levels obtained by CBCT were pooled to enable a comparison with PA. Precision was analyzed by intra- and Dabrafenib nmr interexaminer reliability calculation from mesial and distal sites on CBCT. The circumferential bone level considered all eight positions assessed on CBCT. Results: Accuracy of CBCT was low (R?=?0.325/p?=?.019) given the fact that bone level of the total group was 0.70?mm (standard deviation [SD] 0.78, range 0.00�C3.20) on PA and 0.23?mm (SD 0.27, 0.00�C1.20) on CBCT (p?SCH772984 purchase of the study, there is an indication that the buccal bone 1 year after implant treatment is evenly preserved when implants are immediately loaded in extraction sockets or in healed bone. ""Long-term data regarding survival and crestal bone loss for Replace Select Tapered implants (Nobel Biocare AB, Gothenburg, Sweden) are lacking. The study aims to present the 5-year outcomes from a retrospective analysis Ritonavir of Replace Select Tapered implants placed and restored in consecutive patients. A total of 88 consecutive patients (32 male, 56 female, mean age 65?��?12 years) treated by one clinician (PP) were clinically and radiographically evaluated during at least 5 years of function. A total of 271 dental implants (Replace Select Tapered, Nobel Biocare AB) with an oxidized surface (TiUnite, Nobel Biocare AB) had been placed in both jaws (228 in the maxilla, 43 in the mandible). The majority of implants were placed in healed sites (n?=?244), while 27 implants were immediately placed in extraction sockets. The majority of implants (n?=?262) healed for 3 to 4 months prior to loading, and nine implants were immediately loaded. A total of 121 implant-supported restorations were delivered; 42 single tooth replacements, 61 fixed partial bridges, 14 fixed full bridges, and 4 fixed partial implant-tooth connected bridges. The marginal bone level was measured in intraoral radiographs taken after surgery (baseline), and after 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years.

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