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The three factors were group (patients, controls), emotion (anger, happiness, sadness), and prosody (with and without emotional prosody). The verbal IQ score was taken into account as a covariate (ANCOVA). Significant MGCD0103 chemical structure interactions were analyzed further with Tukey��s post-tests. Verbal IQ and reaction time to the detection paradigm were compared between the groups using a paired t-test. Correlation analyses were conducted between the response rate and the symptomatic assessments (PANSS). Results Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of participants Data are summarized in Table ?Table1.1. Sixteen participants were included in both groups. All patients were treated with antipsychotic drugs. Patients exhibited lower performances on the verbal IQ test than controls (p=0.0002; ��2=0.35). The reaction time to the detection paradigm did not differ significantly between groups (for the patient group, mean��SD=414��172ms confidence interval at 95% (CI) (330, 499) versus for the control group, 327��60ms, CI (297, 356), click here p>0.07; ��2=0.10). Table 1 Participants�� demographic and clinical characteristics. Emotional speech comprehension The descriptive analysis revealed that the patients�� response rate was inferior to the controls�� response rate (Table ?(Table22). Table 2 Performances of both groupsa. The ANCOVA regarding the response rate revealed a group��prosody interaction, F(1,30)=7.1; p=0.01; ��2=0.18 (Figure ?(Figure2):2): schizophrenia patients performed significantly worse than controls. Even if emotional prosody facilitates the performances of both groups, it facilitated the task more in patients. For information, the main effect of group was confirmed: patients were more impaired than controls, F(1,28)=12.5; pOxcarbazepine of emotional prosody, F(2,60)=11.5; p

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