WFA induces vimentin degradation and vimentin knockdown decreases cells' sensitivity to WFA A recent study identified vimentin as the feasible WFA molecular target

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pstream of the candidate cleavage site, two Cys residues are located that bind zinc. These residues form a CxxC motif. There is a second CxxC motif located further upstream that is also involved in zinc coordination. We mutated Cys The Alternative translation initiation is a common mechanism to generate protein isoforms. We examined whether this process is involved in the synthesis of the forms support protein synthesis and efficient Sec insertion. For comparison, we expressed a Cys mutant of MsrB Roles of amino acids in the candidate cleavage region Mass-spectrometry analyses suggested that the Relationship between mRNA and protein forms of MsrBIn addition to the two mRNA forms, MsrB The We examined if the cleavage that generates the Diversity of MsrB protein was expressed in E. coli as His-tagged protein, purified and treated with factor Xa, which cleaved the protein into fragments of expected size. We found that MsrB Oxidative stress and the Oxidative stress can lead to oxidation of Additionally, this can be explained by transcriptional repression when high levels of proteins accumulate methionine residues, which are repaired by MsrB Lack of the Finally, we tested whether MsrB homologs may also generate abundant cleavage forms by examining MsrB Diversity of MsrB Discussion This study revealed an unexpected variety of mRNA and protein forms in a small and relatively simple protein, MsrB Protein form Specific activity MsrB Catalytic activity of purified recombinant proteins was determined using dabsyl-Met-RO as substrate. MsrB July Diversity of MsrB codon and SECIS element is thought to be showed alternative splicing in MsrB Diversity of MsrB none of them correlated with the differential levels of shorter and larger forms. Interestingly, disruption of CxxC motifs that coordinated a structural zinc atom decreased the levels of both full length and short forms. Site-specific proteolysis may be used to both activate and inactivate enzymes. To examine how the cleavage affects MsrB In summary, we described the process of intronization in a subset of rodents that led to evolution of a new mRNA form of MsrB Acknowledgments We thank Byung Cheon Lee for help with methionine sulfoxide assays. Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: XL DEF VNG. Performed the experiments: XL DH AK. Analyzed the data: XL DEF AK VNG. Wrote the paper: XL VNG. July, a Natural Product with Potent Neurotrophic Activity in Mice Sung-Wuk Jang Abstract Gedunin, a family of natural products from the Indian neem tree, possess a variety of biological activities. Here we report the discovery of deoxygedunin, which activates the mouse TrkB receptor and its downstream signaling cascades. Deoxygedunin is orally available and activates TrkB in mouse brain in a BDNF-independent way. Strikingly, it prevents the degeneration of vestibular ganglion in BDNF Citation: Jang S-W, Liu X, Chan CB, France SA, Sayeed I, et al. Deoxygedunin, a Natural Product with Potent Neurotrophic Activity in Mice. PLoS ONE Introduction neurotrophic actions on neuronal populations involved in several neurodegenerative diseases, including peripheral sensory neuropathies; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ; Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease . The preclinical evidence strongly supports the idea that BDNF might be useful as a therapeutic agent for a variety of neurological disorders. However, the clinical trials with recombinant BDNF are disappointing. Presumably, this is due to the poor pharmacokinetics of BDNF. So far, a few categories of TrkB agonists have been reported, including mono